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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Atheo News: Lessons from the Seattle divestment initiative

Atheo News has forwarded an article entitled Lessons from the Seattle divestment initiative. The actions of the local Seattle Israel Lobby are striking in their similarity to the tactics of the Boston Israel Lobby when it was trying to thwart the Somerville Divestment Project. In both case Israel Lobby activists followed and harassed signature gatherers.

Harvard Kennedy School Professor Stephen Walt has been discussing the current Israel Lobby mobilization against Chas Freeman in a number of blog entries. The latest is The best defense is to be offensive?: A response to Chait, Goldfarb, and Goldberg.

Recently the international Israel Lobby, which had unsuccessfully tried to host Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders at the British Parliament, brought Geert Wilders from the Netherlands to Rome and the USA to incite Islamophobia. (See Collection: Wilders' Visit to Boston.)

In addition, the Israel Lobby persistently dogs national and international NGOs and religious organizations. (See Louis Proyect: Pious Warmongers and Israel Advocacy Organizations Change Tactics.)

No comparable transnational political network has ever existed that has so successfully created a web of control to silence, to frame, to manage, and to dominate political discussion and discourse at the local, national and international level. Sphere: Related Content