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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guest Article: Kristof at UPenn

Christian Pecaut is a recent graduate of Standford. In 2006 he ran as a candidate for mayor of Berkeley. He records books. I have published his article because it reminded me of John Barth's writing, which I loved so much in college, and because the whole Save-Darfur movement really does seem like an absurdity that would be appropriate as the subject of a Barth novel.

Here in Massachusetts I have attended very similar equally choreographed Save-Darfur sessions led by a presenter "flashing gruesome murder pictures; lightening the air with friendly chit-chat; then, telling carefully choreographed tear-jerkers with decapitations as surprise punch-lines; a sickening cacophony..." and attended by "mental victims, titillating at the touch of ... warm jests."

Christian Pecaut could have been describing a talk at Harvard or a hearing before the Massachusetts legislature.

Early this February, I was wandering around an over-priced cafeteria at the student center of the University of Pennsylvania looking for food thrown away that I could eat.

Were a burrito under $5, including tax, I’d have paid. At $8, with an army of wage slaves creating the food and collecting for it, I couldn’t do it. Besides, the rich kids just charge daddy’s credit card anyhow, and consume instead the pleasure of purchasing the poor saps serving the grub. The food, they dump into the trash, almost untouched!

True; the uncertainty of whose saliva I may have consumed did trouble me as I wolfed down the soy sauce soaked noodles and burger. Yet with the sweeter taste of paying nothing, I devoured.

Earlier, I saw a flier announcing a talk that evening by Nick Kristof, a beloved New York Times columnist.

“Sure wonder what spooks have in store for the upper middle-class college crowd now that Obama’s the President,” I thought to myself, as I again tossed the two Styrofoam containers triumphantly into the trash. “I’ll go have a look.”

Little did I foresee, but I was in for an hour of scripted counter-intelligence manipulation presented in the guise of a heartfelt talk from concerned newspaper reporter.

I planned on standing and asking him, “How does your position as a columnist for the leading propaganda instrument of US imperialism qualify you to offer guidance to America’s youth?”

Then, after waiting patiently for him to finish dishonestly dismissing my charges, I was going to say, “You’re a cold-blooded piece of shit, Nick.” Then sit down.

After the talk, I raised my hand high and strong, every chance given. But no – they had planted all the questions to further legitimate the charade and prevent the, sadly, remote possibility someone with a clue was in the general public.

Since the hall was overflowing with smiling mental victims, titillating at the touch of his warm jests, I decided that interrupting the forum out of turn would bare little fruit. So I left.

I’ve pieced together a polemic analysis I created two years ago on the “Save Darfur” campaign.

The script for this particular propaganda enterprise has not changed – stoking the guilt these rich scum feel for leading purposeless, salaried lives by: flashing gruesome murder pictures; lightening the air with friendly chit-chat; then, telling carefully choreographed tear-jerkers with decapitations as surprise punch-lines; a sickening cacophony. Monstrous.

Here’s the problem. Here’s how they do it, and what’s going on.

If you get pissed at the phantom racist darky crazy boogie men genociders that the "Save Darfur" campaign evokes and everything will continue to get worse.

The purpose of the Darfur myth is to cover for US/UN overt military intervention into the Sudan and surrounding areas. All of the rape and extermination atrocities were secretly arranged and encouraged by this same US/Israeli group that puppets the UN.

I say "US/Israel" because I understand that Israeli thugs and their supporters are the lead bullies amongst bullies who direct US military imperialism -- so Israel, while small numerically and territorially, has a larger percentage of control over the war decisions.

Since China oil capital invest heavily into the Sudan, the propaganda campaign also threatens to increase the percentage world dominance of US/Israeli oil capital, AND indirectly vilifies the Communist Chinese government for allegedly supporting the Darfur atrocities.

Such imperalist maneuvers are on a higher-level than "making money" -- it's violent redistribution of capital power -- the high-level capitalist bookkeeping that is accomplished through war.

Yes, the Darfur myth perpetuates the "violent Arab Darkies" hoax too. And Israeli propogandists definitely help spread the whole campaign in their newspapers and television outfits. And justifying killing by claiming to protect against genocide is also an Israeli propaganda specialty.

To me, the Darfur campaign was _obviously_ a huge manipulation of some kind. The prominent atrocity images, the crude focus on rape, the slick MTV advertising style -- big clues in my eyes.

You can reliably invert the claimed crisis in order to see the general purpose of the campaign, i.e., if the big US/Israeli/European newspapers claim that some violent thugs are murdering and raping people, you can be 99% sure that these same US/Israeli/European bully militarists are funding, arming, and entirely controlling the genocide perpetrators and the DELIBERATELY LYING that somebody else is doing it.

The big spy-agency administrated right-wing conspiracy is the ONLY conspiracy there is. And (no surprise), it is the only conspiracy not permitted serious public scrutiny. And as you can see by the title of this blog entry, there is a vicious "snap-back" reaction to this simple and accurate truth.

The core of the Darfur myth is that the violent conflict there is CAUSED by racial and religious conflict. This framework is the SAME perpetual-violence-between-races hoax that justified butchering Communist Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and currently in Iraq.

In each case, the propoganda claims a "civil war" between races or tribes or religions, justifying military intervention and vilifying anti-imperialist popular movements in the country along with any socialist "non-aligned" country's support.

The overall, higher-level DELIBERATE LIE is that human beings are innately violent, and therefore these massive killings "just happen".

I also remember watching an interview with the Sudanese ambassador to the United States, and he was asked about Darfur, and he responded that he couldn't understand the focus on that region, given the much deadlier wars that for decades have killed millions in surrounding countries. That was another clue that something fishy was going on.

Presuming that bourgeois national governments under the umbrella of imperialism have much decision-making power is a mistake. Sure, the local killing thugs can decide which peasants to shoot -- but they cannot decide to organize cooperative autonomy that overtly opposes imperialism.

In fact, it is precisely such successful socialist / communist / popular political groups that are the primary targets of Nazis and bullies for the last 10,000 years.

ALL the lower-level national dictatorships follow the higher level violence of US/Israeli imperalism. When the big killing is decided to be "on", then it's a leftist crackdown everywhere on Earth, and bullies at EVERY level of society.

And you better just shut up about it, otherwise you'll lose your job, your family, your maps of protection (i.e. your sanity), or worse.

My anger grows beyond merely puppet leaders of the bourgeoisie, to every single person everywhere, living or dead, who ever deliberately lies about what they understand or perceive.

That anger is pain seeking solution. Only when it is directed at the actual people and behaviors that are the problem will solution be advanced and created.

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