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Thursday, March 12, 2009

mariahussain: Hijab in America

My wife writes in Wearing Hijab in America:
It is true that there are many difficulties involved with wearing the hijab in American society. And we have to be prepared for this and understand where it comes from. First of all, we have to realize that some people are going to react to you in a hostile manner. However, it is important to realize that it is not a personal but a political issue. If someone curses at you for wearing hijab it is because they hate Islam, and it shows that they are racist, sexist, and oblivious to their Creator. Also, some people’s behavior may change towards you once you start wearing hijab, from being pleasant to extremely or subtly rude. Why is that? It is because you have rejected the idea that a woman’s role is to be cute and act stupid in order to make men’s egos feel good. You are showing them that you respect yourself and that you know who you are and you don’t feel it necessary to sell yourself by showing off your beauty just like a box of Sugar Pops.
Even though her article dates to a period before Jewish Zionist Islamophobes began to wave the hijab in earnest as one more bloody shirt in a campaign to scaremonger a false pro-Israel anti-Muslim consensus in order to manipulate US foreign policy, the content still remains timely.
From The Jews of Arab Lands by Norman Stillman.

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