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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stephen Walt: New Father Coughlin??

The generally fraudulent attacks on Chas Freeman represent a Jewish Zionist Neocon attempt to torpedo his appointment to the post of Chairman of the National Intelligence Council.

Former AIPAC official Steve Rosen, who is currently being tried for giving classified U.S. government materials to the State of Israel, was more honest than most of Freeman's detractors and wrote in Alarming appointment at the CIA:
Freeman is a strident critic of Israel, and a textbook case of the old-line Arabism that afflicted American diplomacy at the time the state of Israel was born. His views of the region are what you would expect in the Saudi foreign ministry, with which he maintains an extremely close relationship, not the top CIA position for analytic products going to the President of the United States.
Because Harvard Kennedy School Professor Stephen Walt somewhat inaccurately accused Freeman's Zionist critics of McCarthyism, Zionist pundits replied according to their usual battle plan with ad hominem accusations and insinuations to make Walt defensive in order to drive him off topic.

Zionists use this tactic to distract the American public from asking the real questions about the Zionist web of control that extends right into the White House.

Weekly Standard writer Michael Goldfarb engaged in name-calling so classic by equating Professor Walt with Father Coughlin that the under-50 crowd was hardly likely to understand it.

Thanks to greater access to Soviet archives we now know that 1930s Radio Priest Father Charles E. Coughlin like Senator Joseph McCarthy was more right than wrong.

Click here for Coughlin's discussion of the Jewish role in the communist movement.

Click here for Coughlin's defense against the charge of anti-Semitism.

In truth, Coughlin was an anti-Semite but not because of his belief in the Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy or because he considered it wrong to bail out banks instead of nationalizing them.

(Even though today proponents of bank nationalization are accused of socialism, the policy was considered fascist or Nazi in the 30s because it was part of the strategy that Hjalmar Schacht used to bring the German economy out of the Great Depression.)

Coughlin was an anti-Semite because he at times seemed to argue that there was one overarching conspiracy among "bad" atheistic Jews, whether they were plutocrats or communists. (He wasn't always careful about adding the qualifier 'atheistic', and he had a somewhat exaggerated view of the role of [mostly German-American] Jews in the US banking industry.)

In fact, there were a whole bunch of Jewish conspiracies at the beginning of twentieth century.

Not only is conspiracy historically a normal part of Eastern European politics, but historians of Russia or Poland write about conspiracy all the time.

Eastern European Jews brought a political cultural propensity to conspiracy with them. I discuss the associated Jewish political elites in Summary: Chabad, Jewish Political Elites.

Note that despite anti-Semitic belief the various Jewish conspiracies/political elites did not work together and were often quite hostile to one another.* The Zionist conspiracies were simply the most long-lived, and among the Zionist conspiracies, the Neocons/Jabotinskians have managed to cannibalize the others.

Even though Professors Mearsheimer and Walt reject the use of a conspiratorial framework to analyze the effects of the Israel Lobby on US foreign policy or foreign policy formulation, in a very real sense Jewish Zionist conspiracy today in the form of modern Israel advocacy more accurately approximates the historic anti-Semitic myth than any Jewish conspiracy before the fall of the Soviet Union.


*In one of the great historical ironies the German Nazi regime collaborated with the Zionist movement during the 30s because some German Nazi ideologists were willing to entertain the possibility that Zionists as the Jewish analogue to German Nazis were not part of the overarching Jewish conspiracy against Germany. Despite the common anti-Semitic wisdom of the time period, German Jewish Geldjuden were extremely patriotic during WW1 while Jewish Bolsheviks received funding from the German government to overthrow the Czarist regime and remove the Russian Empire from the war. If there really had been a Jewish Dolchstoß against Germany, the German Zionists were most likely to have delivered it. (See Wikipedia, Hummus, Falafil, WWI, Dolchstoßlegende.) Sphere: Related Content