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Saturday, March 14, 2009

On Chas Freeman's Withdrawl

Reply to Steven Walt's Summary Points
by Joachim Martillo (

First. Arguing that the Israel Lobby is simply a lobby undercuts the struggle against the Lobby.

The Israel Lobby is the public face of the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland (Judonia), which runs a vast political and economic empire whose keystone is the State of Israel.

Second. The Obama administration seems to be attempting to focus on the economy and does not want to be distracted by the I/P issue until the economy is under control. Obama apparently believes that the economic disaster and I/P conflict are independent even though the financial disaster and the US-Israel alliance are inextricably linked.

Unfortunately to understand the real situation, one must study a lot of untranslated Jabotinskian literature about ethnonational financial warfare and have tracked orth American, European, and Israeli Zionist financial skulduggery since the 1980s.

Third. Rahm Emanuel's primary loyalty lies with Judonia and not with Obama or the USA. As long as he is chief of staff, the Democrats will act like wimps.

Fourth. Statistical comparison shows that the State of Israel is not Apartheid South Africa. It is Nazi Germany from January 1933 to December 1940.

Israel does not need our advice. It needs to be abolished for the good of the USA. Who cares about the Zionist colonist population, which by any reasonable ethical standards is a conglomeration of racist, murderous, genocidal, invaders, interlopers and thieves?

Last. Israel Advocates are behaving completely rationally. If there is reason to believe that Israel, which is the keystone of the Zionist imperial system and the basis of Judonia's revenue streams, cannot survive without umbilical connection to the USA, from a realist standpoint Zionists should do everything in their power to make sure that the umbilical chord remains intact.

Zionist fear is much more reasonable than Professor Walt's misplaced confidence. The State of Israel runs an operations loss and is quite justifiably hated by a good part (maybe most) of the human race. It deserves to die and will if it does not continue to receive massive infusions of US aid, which in real terms is at least $20 billion but probably closer to $30 billion per year.


If Professor Walt and other realists genuinely want Obama and the Democrats to show the fortitude needed to save the USA from the economic crisis, they have to start helping the President and his party.

Professor Walt could have brought a libel lawsuit against Abraham Foxman in the UK for The Deadliest Lies. Zionist pseudo-Academics would not think twice about such actions. See Israel Advocacy Organizations Change Tactics.

There is good reason to believe that Rahm Emanuel was engaged in dirty if not corrupt activities on Wall Street. As far as I know, no one is doing serious investigations, and certainly realists should be scouring his tax returns for evidence of impropriety.

Rahm's father Benjamin is this elderly Jewish Hannibal Lecter, and there is a whole division with the DoJ with the purpose of deporting such mass murderers to places where they can be tried and punished. The USA won't get a more realist foreign policy until patriotic Americans start demanding that OSI start enforcing the law equally for Jews and non-Jews. (See The Real Benjamin Emanuel Issue.)

To state that there is a strong moral case for supporting Israel is to concede victory to the Israel Lobby.

Foreign policy realists have to get real.

The 1000 top contributors to pro-Israel causes control or own assets with a productivity of about $2-3 trillion per year. That makes the Israel Lobby (Judonia) a player on the as large as the UK or France with none of the obligations associated with a citizenry but with most of the attributes of a physical state.

Realists have to start discussing Judonia as an international state actor and drop the pretense that the Israel Lobby is simply a lobby because Judonia has rendered the USA a dependent and intimidated client state. Why should patriotic Americans tolerate this situation?

Israel advocates are working to scare-monger a false pro-Israel consensus against Islam so that no one will be able to discuss foreign policy rationally in the USA.

Realists need to start talking about Israel and Israel advocacy as the most dangerous threat that the USA has ever faced. Over half of the national debt is attributable to costs associated with the US-Israel alliance, and the financial meltdown was the result of Zionist plutocratic manipulations gone awry.

No other strategy can save the USA from the peril it faces.

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