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Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Inner (Screeching) Jew Incarnated

In The Emotional Violence of Jewish Advocacy, my wife Karin recently wrote :

The problem is that Gentiles are taught through emotional pressure and violence via the media and the school system to be very sensitive to Jewish suffering so when a Zionist becomes outraged at them for challenging their world view, the Gentile really has to fight against his own inner self in a huge battle against his "inner Jew" making him feel inadequate and intimidated. But the Jew doesn’t care how much he or she hurts others. Jews only care about what's good for the Jews.
My upbringing was so different from Karin's that I did not understand her point and removed the discussion of inner Jew from my version of her article, but her concept seems to have resonated with CSULB Professor Kevin MacDonald, for he wrote in a discussion of Karin's piece:

So I have a suggestion for the Foxmans, the Potoks, the neoconservatives, and the secular Jewish liberals of the world: If you want to fight racism and ethnic nationalism, start in your own backyard. And my suggestion for the rest of us is to get rid of what Friedemann calls the “inner Jew.” I know it’s hard to do. But once you tune out the screaming hostility (and assuming you don’t fear losing your job), it’s easy. Just don’t expect a pleasant or rational conversation.
Naomi Ragen, who is an American Jew and Israeli settler, who writes romance novels* for Orthodox Jewish women, recently advised her readership to view the following Vanessa Hidary video and heed its message.

I watched and saw the perfect incarnation of the inner (screeching) Jew to which Karin referred.

Note that Vannessa goes through the whole modern Jewish litany (liturgy) of ethnic narcissism, Holocaust obsession, and worship of the State of Israel without once mentioning God.

Because she is non-Ashkenazi and apparently a victim of the ethnic Ashkenazi system of Jewish education or indoctrination, one might also view her as a product of the previously discussed Broken Frame.

[Update: In the videoclip Vanessa obsesses about guilt-tripping a guy who said to her, "Funny, you don't look Jewish." Karin points out that Vanessa would have spent an equal amount of time in wondering how to make him feel guilty if he had told her, "Wow, you really look Jewish."]


* Just before the handsome non-Jew rips off the orthodox Jewish woman's clothes to make love, he turns out to be Jewish so that they can both go to the mikvah (ritual bath) and get married.

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