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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Noa Does a ‘Benny Morris,’ Calls Hamas ‘Nazi-Like’

A while back ADL leader Abraham Foxman told us there were no moderate Muslims.

Then 79% of American Jews supported the recent IDF rampage through Gaza while Israeli Jewish support was up in the 90% range.

I don't understand why anyone among the remaining 21% would want to identify as Zionist or even Jewish.

In a blog entry entitled Noa Does a ‘Benny Morris,’ Calls Hamas ‘Nazi-Like’ Richard Silverstein provides evidence how much Israeli non-Ashkenazi Jews are thoroughly enmeshed in the blood-thirsty and psychotic Zionist mindset that gives Jews license to plunder and to kill non-Jews with impunity.

Here is my summary of the situation. The Israeli non-Ashkenazi singer Noa (Achinoam Nini),
  • who has teamed with the Israeli Palestinian Singer-Actress Mira Awad for the Eurovision competition,
  • who claimed to espouse liberal Zionist ideals of harmony with Palestinians,* and
  • who has frequently worked with Arab musicians,
has shown her real bigoted Jewish self by engaging in the usual racist anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim invective that Zionists use to justify murder, plunder, and theft of the native Palestinian population as well as a plethora of other Zionist crimes.

Mira Awad (left) and Noa (right)

In the past I used to argue that there were mitigating circumstances for the participation of non-Ashkenazi Israel Jews in Zionist crimes because the non-Ashkenazim were in some regards victims forced against their will to join the Zionist program.

Nowadays non-Ashkenazi Zionists no longer merit special understanding. They are just as guilty as those Ashkenazim that refuse to reject Zionism and the State of Israel unequivocally and categorically.

In 1933 Marlene Dietrich decided that if the German Nazis defined what it means to be German, she was no longer German.

Now that Zionists have effected a takeover of the Jewish community, isn't it time for those few remaining decent Jews to do a "Marlene Dietrich."

* Here is a video of Mira Awad and Noa.

Noa tells us that Palestinians and Jews have to apologize, recognize, and share but never really defines the terms.

I doubt that Noa means that Jews should make an apology for the last 150 years of Jewish sabotage, radical violence, targeted assassination, subversion, espionage, sedition, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and financial crimes in the Czarist Empire, the Soviet Union, Europe, North America, and the Middle East.

Until Jews acknowledge, take responsibility for, and show remorse for the anti-Gentile crimes that have grown out of Jewish politics just as Jews expect non-Jews to acknowledge, take responsibility for, and show remorse for the anti-Jewish crimes that have grown out of Jewish politics, there is no reason to assume Jewish honesty, sincerity or decency on any issue related
  • to Palestine,
  • to incitement of Islamophobia, or
  • to Jewish Zionist conspiracy against the rights of Muslim and Arab Americans.
Does Noa acknowledge that Palestinians have the same human rights as Jews?

Human rights include residence and property rights.

Does Noa recognize the absolute right of Palestinians to return to their homeland from which racist genocidal murderous ethnic Ashkenazi invaders, interlopers, and thieves drove them?

Noa talks about sharing. It is almost an anti-Semitic stereotype that she offers to share with Palestinians in some unspecified way the land that Jews stole from them.

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