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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wilders' Columbia Song and Dance

On Oct. 21 at Columbia University, Geert Wilders more or less gave a rerun of his Stoughton, MA, song and dance: collection: wilders' visit to boston.

See end of this blog entry for remainder of video clips. Full text is here.

There were some minor differences. Possibly thanks to the influence of Michael Oren, he added some material on President Jefferson. In Stoughton Wilders talked briefly about WW2 and seemed unsure whether the Soviet Communists or the German Nazis were fighting to save Western civilization. That material vanished from his speech.

The Geert Wilders phenomenon seems to represent a confluence of several different desires.

1. Wilders wanted to increase his funds both for personal and party use. Because of the peculiar way he set up is party, he is more or less identical to his party. He found that saying the sorts of things that rich Jews want to hear is a great way to raise money.

2. While Wilders is basically a hybrid con man carnival barker, rich Jews are getting something out of the deal.

rich american jews & geert wilders:
In [de Volkskrant] Wilders gaat steeds een stapje verder, I mentioned that the prominence of van Agt and Gretta Duisenberg may have panicked rich American Jews about imminent loss of Dutch support for the Jewish state.

While some Zionists may see Wilders as the antidote to the European anti-Zionist threat, the hyperwealthy Zionist plutocrats may be funding Wilders for an even more basic reason.

The Netherlands is more invested in the USA than other European countries and has probably taken a proportionate hit from the US financial meltdown.

Supporting Wilders especially
in his demonization of European Muslims and Sharia might be a preventive measure to make sure that financial issues do not turn increasing Dutch criticism of Israel into a flood tide of hostility to Zionism.

Threading backward from the links in Christopher Bollyn: The Zionist Gang That Bankrupted General Motors brings up articles describing all sorts of financial misbehavior often perpetrated by a lot of the people contributing to Wilders.

Despite Bollyn's assumptions I do not see any evidence of some sinister conspiracy linking 9/11 to the implosion at GM, but I do believe that Jewish social networks (or networks of trust in the older terminology) have been pushing total incompetence (and total rapaciousness) for a long time. In addition, I have difficulty describing Merkin as Madoff's partner in crime, for Madoff clearly realized that it was easier to loot the stupid rich like Merkin than to loot corporations as Merkin was forced to do because Merkin does not have a clue about running a corporation competently.

Members of Jewish networks of trust succeed not because they are good but because they cheat:
  1. Zionist Infestation Causes US Incompetence,
  2. Gladwell Supports Hegemonic Zionist Discourse,
  3. Jewish Social Networking Goes Supreme!, and
  4. Corrupt Jewish Social Networking Rules!
Zionist backers of Wilders are trying to distract the Dutch from demanding relief for the damage done to the Dutch economy by corrupt Jewish social networks.
3. Jewish Zionists want to be able to defame Muslims without limitation in the guise of free speech while Jewish political and financial clout prevent critics of Jews from having any megaphone comparable to that of Jews. Wilders' shtik supports this Jewish Zionist goal.

[It is hard to fault Muslims for trying to counteract this power imbalance anyway they can.]

Wilders' lies are quite flagrant, and it is a tribute to Jewish power that so few disproofs of Wilders' nonsense ever make it into the media. Here's one:
[the national] the muslim scare story that just doesn't add up.

When Wilders claims that Austrian teachers avoid teaching pupils about the wars against Islamic invaders, he is making a very clever lie. There were no Islamic invaders per se, but there were occasional Ottoman invasions of Holy Roman Territories as well as Holy Roman invasions of Ottoman Territories. The armies on both sides were generally composed of both Muslims and Christians. It is worthwhile to note that the Ottoman Empire also claimed to be the Roman Empire, and as the successor to the living Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire, it had the better claim than the Holy Roman Empire, which was a successor to the Carolingians, who made a fairly bogus claim to reviving a Western Roman Empire that could legitimately have been considered all but brain-dead when Charles the Great assumed the title of Emperor.

As part of the program of demonizing and marginalizing Western Muslims, Wilders is trying to create the perception of Muslims as savages while Jews and the State of Israel are supposed to share Western values and a common cause with America of beating down the Islamic barbarians at the gate.

[Unfortunately a lot of people that should know better buy into this racist program:
harvard: jews better than muslims.]

Wilders' Judeophilic nonsense has no connection to reality.

Not only were some of the greatest murderers of the 20th century Jewish: Stalin's Jews, but the stereotype of Jewish economic rapaciousness is probably far too kind: jewish financial aggression, worldwide economic nakba.

Here is Martillo's Second Hypothesis from Importance of Nuremberg Tribunal Law.
Nineteenth century Jews inherited a superior form of social networking from the international Jewish trade networks of the Middle Ages.

Even though pre-modern forms of Jewish business activity were in decline since the late 18th century, the associated Jewish networks of trust increased in size and cohesiveness with the development of international telecommunications technology and the growth of the associated international media industries in the 19th century.

At the same time, (1) because Jewish population was growing rapidly, (2) because many traditional Jewish economic niches had become obsolete, and (3) because more non-Jews had begun to enter traditionally Jewish types of business, Jewish social networks were becoming more aggressive and often tried to establish effectively exclusive claim to new economic sectors.

Increasing numbers of non-Jews began to view Jews as economic cheaters, and despite self-serving Jewish efforts to blame Christianity for rising hostility toward Jews (in an era of declining religious belief!), classic late 19th anti-Semitism was really a response to the growing effectiveness of Jewish social networking and can be primarily attributed to antisocial Jewish behavior associated with certain aspects of economic modernization and technological innovation that advantaged the Jewish metapopulation.
The above text is exactly the type of expression that Jews love to censor.

Isn't it interesting that they have no problem with Wilders' shpil about the battle to save Western civilization and culture even though it is for the most part plagiarized from Hitler?

Jewish Zionists were comfortable with Hitler's ideas as long as Jews did not constitute the primary target and as long as Hitler's and Zionist goals were congruent, i.e. up until probably the summer of 1941.

After all Hitler directly or indirectly plagiarized racial theory for the most part from the Zionist leader Max Nordau, who was an eminent German Jewish culture critic, whose last bastion of popularity by the 1920s was found only among German Nazis and Zionists.

The convergence of German Nazi and Zionist thought explains outrages like the Gaza Rampage.
Wilders is a sort of Goebbels for hire.

Remainder of Wilders' Columbia Debut

Bonus Video Clip: Geert Wilders Forced to Kill His Own Argument by Smart CNN Reporter
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