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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why American Christians look so stupid and what you can do about it

Lingamish is the personal blog of David Ker a media access specialist and member of Wycliffe Bible Translators based in Mozambique, Africa.

He tries to answer the great question of the George W. Bush presidency:
Why do American Christians look so stupid and what can we do about it?
Here is a brief excerpt:
We don’t just look like a bunch of kooks. We are a bunch of kooks. I’d be willing to put up with Christians speaking out on the election if they displayed the slightest semblance of a biblical worldview and a marginal ability to exegete a Biblical text. But they don’t. The eschatology of someone who can find “an olive-skinned Muslim” in the Book of Revelation is that of a deluded moron.
Read the whole blog entry (and comments) here. Sphere: Related Content