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Monday, November 10, 2008

Rahm Emanuel and His Shikse

Haredim, Stacey Cohen, Amy Rule
by Joachim Martillo (

Although Zionism has gradually corrupted the haredim, there are fault lines among the haredim and between haredim and Zionists that can be used to create Jewish intracommunal food fights as part of a strategy to bring about the dismantlement of the State of Israel.

It may be my lack of scholarship, but modern Eastern European Rabbinical Judaism has shown a real lack of serious ethical thinkers with the exception of Yisroel Lipkin, whose stature within Orthodox Judaism probably results to a large degree from an absence of serious competitors.

Yisroel Lipkin is also known as Israel Salanter. He founded the Mussar (Ethics) Movement during the first half of the nineteenth century.

Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) Jews generally have some awareness that Zionist ideology is a big mistake, but few can actually say why one might euphemistically call Zionism wrong or why a completely honest description would identify it as the leading evil of the 20th and 21st century.

As a consequence of haredi ethical impairment, the Zionist leadership has gradually managed to enmesh ever greater numbers of haredim in the Zionist ethnic fundamentalist mentality (see Haredim and Zionism), but because the Zionist leadership fears the delegitimization that Ultra-Orthodox condemnation of Zionism might create among pro-Israel non-Jews, the haredi leadership has managed to exact a fairly heavy price from the State of Israel.

In exchange for the corruption of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, the State of Israel has given the haredi leadership total control on valid orthodox conversion with the result that only haredi battei din (courts) can determine both

  • which marriages between born Jews and converts are recognized as valid within Israel and also
  • whether children of such marriages are recognized as genuinely Jewish.

This situation has created two interesting anomalies:

  • Billionaire Mouli Cohen's wife Stacey Cohen almost certainly would not be recognized as a genuine convert to Judaism within Israel because a sincere non-Jewish female convert to Judaism would not break Jewish law (Halakhah) to marry a Cohen (Priest).
  • Rahm Emanuel's wife Amy Rule as well as her children would almost certainly be treated as non-Jews by the Zionist state unless the Israeli haredi rabbinate is willing to take the last step into complete hypocrisy by groveling before the power of President Obama's Chief of Staff.

Not only does Rabbi Asher Lopatin's letter posted by Shmarya Rosenberg at the FailedMessiah blog discuss both Amy Rule's conversion and Rahm Emanuel's recent desecration of the Sabbath with total casuistry, but it indicates quite well exactly how low Orthodox Judaism has sunk even by its own meager ethical standards.

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Joachim Martillo said...

More on the issue of marrying a Cohen.

Anonymous said...

martillo youre a filthy Jew hating arab who needs to spend more time waxing that empty dome (pun intended) instead of hating the people who made you what you are. Israel will last longer than your bloodline and its time for you to deal with it. Racism is a calling card of muslims and lying is another principle tenant of islam. muslims started the african slave trade and had slavery for 14 centuries. The arabic word for black person is abed, which means slave. So who are the racists again? The parallels between islam and nazism are uncanny, and even if they weren't, muslims had nazi brigades under mufti husseni (yassir's uncle). The plo terrorist organization charter is entirely based on husseni's virulent anti semitic, nazi propaganda. I bet you masturbate while reading the protocols of zion.


martillo youre a filthy Jew hating arab who needs to spend more time waxing that empty dome (pun intended) instead of hating the people who made you what you are. Israel will last longer than your bloodline and its time for you to deal with it. Racism is a calling card of muslims and lying is another principle tenant of islam. muslims started the african slave trade and had slavery for 14 centuries. The arabic word for black person is abed, which means slave. So who are the racists again? The parallels between islam and nazism are uncanny, and even if they weren't, muslims had nazi brigades under mufti husseni (yassir's uncle). The plo terrorist organization charter is entirely based on husseni's virulent anti semitic, nazi propaganda. I bet you masturbate while reading the protocols of zion.


hahahaha and i LOVE the 20 year old picture you have of yourself on here. Trying to relive your fleeting youth huh islamonazi?

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