He hypothesizes that Islam developed out of some form of gnostic Christianity or gnostic Judaism, and he investigates the geneology of the family of Ali. Most of his analysis works backward from current Islam to Ur-Islam.
I prefer to think about this issue by starting with second Temple Judaism and looking for a religious current that could develop into Islam. I have no need to use gnostic religion as a sort of deus ex machina to proclaim "Let there be Islam."
Unlike Professor Kalisch, whose failure to mention the Apostle Paul verges on gross scriptural negligence, I start with Jamesian Christianity, can explain why early texts do not use the title rasul, and link the development of Islam both
- to the transformation of the ancient world into the medieval world and also
- to the beginnings of Medieval Rabbinic Judaism (Les origines des juifs actuels and The Origins of Modern Jewry).
Readers of the WSJ article should keep in mind that the WSJ is now a Murdoch publication, which belongs to the extremist Zionist racist and Islamophobic discourse that is so powerful in the USA. Sphere: Related Content