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Friday, November 07, 2008

Another Zionist Racist Serving Obama?

Martha Minow Jewish Bigot

In search for expertise, Harvard looms large suggests that Jewish racist Martha Minow is in line for an appointment to the Obama administration. An op-ed by Professor Martha Minow and Gabriella Blum: The Israeli ... is an example of Zionist propaganda that Minow co-wrote with former IDF legal advisor Gabriela Blum and inserted into the Boston Globe.

The presence of Minow in an Obama administration would be far scarier than the Rahm Emanuel appointment because increasing the already heavy participation of Jewish racists in the legal system will drive away foreign Arab and Muslim sources of liquidity because Arabs and Muslims can only invest here if the US legal system is predictable and non-discriminatory.

The more Jewish bigots serving in the DOJ, the more Arabs and Muslims must assume that the USA is a Judenstaat, where Jews are privileged over non-Jews and not a Rechtstaat, where there is genuine equal protection under a regular system of laws and regulations.
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