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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Maurice Pinay Blog: Benedict's Zionist Easter "Convert" Attempts Resuscitation of "Islamofascist Threat" for U.S. Presidential Election

Maurice Pinay represents a segment of the Catholic population that has been extremely uncomfortable with Vatican II and the reforms associated with redefining the relationship between Catholicism and Judaism.

I probably do not cover these issues enough on my blog because wending through all of the misunderstood and misrepresented history and theology associated with Jewish-Catholic relations is daunting. Yet, I have three blog entries on the subject:

I hope they indicate some of the general hypocrisy and ignorance of the Jewish Catholic interfaith dialogue, which has far too great an impact both on US ME policy and also on the perception of the conflict over Palestine.

This blog article is the latest of Pinay's coverage of Magdi Allam, who is a vociferously anti-Islam Muslim convert to Catholicism. Pinay has found an interesting connection to Neocon Michael Ledeen.

It is worth mentioning that even though Allam's wife Valentina Colombo practices Catholicism, ethnic Ashkenazi immigrants to Italy have often translated the common Yiddish last name Taub (Dove) into Italian as Columbo. Variants of the Polish equivalent Gołąb are also found as Ashkenazi Jewish names. Gołąb is nowadays pronounced Gowomb but a century ago sounded more like Golomb. Sphere: Related Content


Maurice Pinay said...

It's very kind of you to bring my (what is probably regarded as very unsexy) blog to the attention of your readers. It speaks highly of you.

I've linked to your recent blog, "Anti-Semitosis Infection Spreads to UK," as the Holocaust religion and its theology is a topic of interest. As you probably are aware, the Vatican is heavily involved in promoting this religion to Catholics.

Kind regards

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