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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Politically Relevant Chiasmus

My son likes various types of word play -- especially inverted parallelism.

I bought him Never Let a Fool Kiss You or a Kiss Fool You, Chiasmus and a World of Quotations That Say What They Mean and Mean What They Say, by Dr Mardy Grothe.

Here are some of the more timely chiasmatic epigrams.

About the Financial Crisis

"It is not my interest to pay the principal; nor is it my principle to pay the interest." -- Richard Brinsley Sheridan

English writer Sheridan was forever in debt. His tailor, tired of asking Sheridan to pay his bill, pleaded, "At least you could pay me the interest on the principal." The above was Sheridan's reply.

"A broker is a man who takes your fortune and runs it into a shoestring." -- Alexander Woollcot (an example of implicit chiasmus)

About Zionists and Zionism

"Some things have to be believed to be seen." -- Ralph Hodgson (an example of implicit chiasmus)

It describes the reaction of Zionists to substantiated reports of atrocities against Zionists -- even or especially those that have served in the Occupied Territories and that have taken part in the outrages.

"A friend is one who loves you; but one who loves you isn't necessarily your friend." -- Seneca the Younger [Qui amicus est amat; qui amat non utique amicus es]

The above is a pithy description of the nature of Israel's love for the USA.

About the Presidential Election

"Treat your friend as if he will one day be your enemy, and your enemy as if he will one day be your friend." -- Laberius [
Ita amicum habeas, posse ut facile fieri hunc inimicum putes et inimicum posse ut facile fieri hunc amicum putes.]

Is the above Obama's modus operandi or the Zionist fear of Obama's modus operandi? He seems to have some knowledge of Latin.

Some Things Never Change

"I flee who chases me and chase who flees me." -- Ovid [
Quod sequitur, fugio; quod fugit, usque sequor]

The above is the counterpart to Groucho Marx's quip: "I won't belong to any organization that would have me as a member."

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