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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Robert Lindsay: The Zwi Migdal - Jewish Pimps of Argentina

In this blog entry Robert Lindsay writes about the Zwi Migdal and Jewish involvement in prostitution. He references a Ynet article that gets some of the details wrong, but it is worth reading and mentions one of several Jew-on-Jew pogroms that took place in territories of the Czarist Empire.

My blog entry Roots of Zionist Jewish Aggression discusses the connection of Jewish kinderkhappers to the white slavery and prostitution that Lindsay describes.

The Heidi Fleiss story suggests that the Jewish prostitution business is alive and well even if the Jewish segment of the business generally no longer works on the street.

Claiming that Black ghetto culture glorifies the pimp and the prostitute is probably more a reflection of Hollywood's treatment of African Americans than of reality.

The rather prosaic movie Holy Land (2001) provides a somewhat idealized view of the white slave trade in modern Israel as well as some typical Zionist Jewish anti-Arab prejudice.

In contrast, a movie based on the Zwi Migdal story would have the potential to achieve the status of an epic like Chinatown. Sphere: Related Content