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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wikipedia, Hummus, Falafil, WWI, Dolchstoßlegende

I was so intrigued with the discomfort that the Jewish Internet Defense Force showed when the Israelization of Palestinian food is identified as cultural theft on Wikipedia that I decided to follow up by modifying the Wikipedia Stab-in-the-Back Legend entry with some current thinking about the role the Zionist movement played in international politics at the beginning of the 20th century.
Here is my addition to the entry:

Was There a German Zionist Stab in the Back? [edit]

Even though Zionists do not normally figure in the Dolchstoßlegenden of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, John Cornelius proposes in "The Balfour Declaration and the Zimmermann Note"[1] that German Zionists with connections in the German foreign ministry may have passed to British Zionists a copy of the Zimmerman Note proposing a German alliance with Mexico. The publication of the Note was a major factor in bringing the USA into World War I.

The event time line is suggestive, and there is a debate whether the British could have decoded the Zimmerman Note on their own. According to this hypothesis, British Zionists traded a complete clear text version of the Zimmerman Note for the Balfour Declaration. Because the revelation of the Zimmerman Note was a major reason for the USA to declare war on Germany and its allies, any involvement of German Zionists in making the Note available to the British government would have constituted a genuine stab in the back for the German war effort.

Thus, because of access to previously inaccessible government archives (as well as to the wreck of the Lusitania), scholars now realize that
Because scholars have made great strides since the 1990s in sorting war fact from war propaganda and in presenting modern Jewish history within a normal contextualized and non-exceptionalist framework, understanding of political and economic developments of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has changed immensely during the last two decades, and the revised historical version provides a reasonable lens through which Americans should evaluate the behavior of Jewish Zionists, who are already far too (maybe dangerously) overrepresented in the Obama administration.

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Saadia said...

Don't have your email address.

Joachim Martillo said...

To tell the truth, I've seen worse, and my friends have told me about treatment that was worse than most of what I've seen.

For future reference my email is

Saadia said...

I remember encountering a stream of pictures of Israeli soldiers brutally killing a youth on the streets of Palestine, because the young man was protesting. Felt sick for days.

Have you witnessed this kind of brutality in person? And how is it that the media never reports this in the USA? Are there any exceptions?

Anonymous said...

You probably gonna say it's not true, but you are just another stupid Anti-Semite. And to Saadia:
Don't be blinded by the Author, you also are an Semite!

Anonymous said...


I don't get the impression that Joachim is particularly bothered by the fact that Semites live in the holy land.

- Queue

Saadia said...

When I come across happenings like this and this, there's no room to be blinded on the issue.

Joachim Martillo said...

I've seen a beating at a checkpoint, and I've watched IDF soldiers shoot at Palestinian children in apparent target practice. When I complained, I suffered a few rather nasty interrogations myself.

I have used some of the things that my friends and I have seen as material in the screenplay Two Weeks in September.

It is based on a true story that took place the last time I visited the occupied territories in 2002. Here is the tagline:

A sleazy Israeli businessman offers a desperate Palestinian refugee couple a job that they cannot refuse.

Anonymous said...

So, in other words, you have no idea what the Dolchstosslegende was.

It was not that Zionists stabbed Germany in the back and forced a surrender -- it was that Jews did such. If you read any of the voelkisch literature or anything from 'Mein Kampf' to Hitler's last political testament you will see this clearly. Whether some Zionist agents somehow leaked the Zimmerman note is immaterial -- the Germans had sent it anyhow, and it was not a major contention of the Dolchstosslegende as viewed by leaders of the NS Bewegung.

Saadia is also a Semite. But let's not twist semantics here. The term anti-Semitism (der Anti-Semistismus) was coined by a German to replace the more offensive sounding "Judenhass." You can translate that on your own.

Saadia said...

This 'Anonymous' person is so fond of labelling me. Why? And why doesn't he/she have the courage to comment with an identity and a link to his/her own blog?

Joachim Martillo said...

Perhaps I was not clear enough.

I was pointing out that recently released archival information indicates that there may have been a Dolchstoß to the German Empire during WW1.

It just was not the general Jewish stab-in-the-back assumed by the anti-Semites on German right.

If there really had been such a Dolchstoß, it is one of the great historical ironies that the German Nazis collaborated with German Zionists for a long time on the assumption that there was a commonality of interest between German Aryans and genuinely völkisch racist Jews.

I probably should have pointed out in my version of the Wikipedia entry that the vast majority of German Jews would have disdained German Jewish Zionists even more than they already did if any information about a Zionist Dolchstoß had ever become known.

Most historians view the Zimmerman memo as the precipitating factor in American entry into WW1. The Memo embodied a truly stupid idea. One must wonder why the German foreign ministry would have even entertained such an idea.

One could extend the hypothesis of a German Jewish Zionist Dolchstoß to include the creation and transmission of the Memo in addition to its leakage to the British government.

I should point out that Jewish Americans almost uniformly supported Germany in WW1 and that German American Jews in particular would have despised Zionists even more than they already did if there had been the slightest hint that German Jewish Zionists had conspired to bring the USA into WW1 on the British side.

I discuss Wilhelm Marr's definition of Antisemitismus in Less Blatant Thought Control.

Joachim Martillo said...

A Century Of War by F. William Engdahl (pp. 35-37) provides some discussion of the oil politics of WW1.

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