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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Christopher Bollyn: The Zionist Gang That Bankrupted General Motors

Christopher Bollyn identifies a tremendous number of interesting connections in his article The Zionist Gang That Bankrupted General Motors.

If he had looked deeper he might have found an AIG involvement through several of the culprits he mentions as well as some links to Joseph Perella, who along with Bruce Wasserstein paid Rahm Emanuel about $16 million for approximately 2 years of work.

While Bollyn seems to assume that simply identifying the malefactors as Zionists is sufficient to understand the motivations, he could have pointed out that today corrupt Jewish financial networks operate on the basis of commitment to Zionism in lieu of sincere Jewish religious belief and obedience to a sacred law that in the past effectively provided a uniform international commercial code.

In addition, Bollyn is looking for a grand unified theory that will show conscious Zionist planning of the 9/11 and GM disasters while I am more or less agnostic about viewing 9/11 from a MIHOP, a LIHOP, or an opportunistic framework.

It is easy to profit by looting a company or a nation while running them competently would require hard work. While I was consulting in the finance industry, I found that corrupt Jewish social networking succeeds by cheating and has evolved to seize opportunities wherever and whenever they appear as quickly as possible with no regard for consequences.

The bankruptcy of General Motors (GM) is very similar to the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Both catastrophic events are described in the controlled media as having occurred due to natural forces, while actually they are both the results of sabotage carried out by insiders. In both cases, the people who brought down the operation were Trojan Horses, people who had bought their way into positions of control in order to destroy them. The people behind the destruction of GM and the WTC are corporate raiders of the worst kind.

General Motors did not simply collapse as a result of market forces; it was bankrupted by corporate raiders who had infiltrated the company and taken control of its finances. Likewise, the evidence indicates that the twin towers of the World Trade Center did not collapse due to the stresses associated with the plane crashes; they were prepared in advance to be demolished using extremely powerful explosives, including tons of nano-thermite, or super-thermite. This was facilitated by the people who had obtained control of the towers shortly before 9-11, namely Larry Silverstein and the former Israeli commando Frank Lowy.

What is most remarkable is that these events are closely related. The same people are involved in the conspiracy to plunder and destroy both the World Trade Center and General Motors. This article identifies some of the key people and reveals the strategy behind the destruction of one of America's oldest companies.

[To read the entire article, click here].
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