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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Greg Mankiw's Blog: My Personal Work Incentives

In this article Greg Mankiw makes a questionable ceteris paribus argument to show that John McCain's tax plan provides more economic incentive for some upper income bracket taxpayers to earn more money than Barack Obama's plan does. A good high school debater can eat such logic for lunch.*

Other things simply are not equal in this case. If McCain is going to flush money down the toilet as Bush does, the dollar could well be worth a lot less after four years of a McCain administration.

Henry Kissinger long ago explained what McCain never learned, "The conventional army loses if it does not win. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose."

Paying off traditional tribal leaders not to fight may make tactics like the "Surge" look temporarily like a win, but in the end because the USA has defeated the insurgents, guerrillas or terrorists in neither Iraq nor Afghanistan, the USA has lost, and it is time to respond rationally to obviously diminishing returns.

If McCain has not figured the issue out yet, he is too stupid for the presidency and would certainly become a Bush-bot or worse.

Kissinger's observation also explains why the racist Zionist state is also doomed.

Instead of gifting the State of Israel with more money that the US economy desperately needs and that would swiftly pass from Israeli government coffers into the pockets of the transnational Jewish Zionist political economic oligarchs, an American president trying to save the US economy would work for an immediate clawback of $3 trillion from the the State of Israel, Jewish Zionist plutocrats, Israel advocates, and the organized Jewish community as the quickest and most just way to save the US and world economy.

Obviously, McCain is not that president.

BTW, Wikipedia states:
Mankiw's advocacy at the CEA [Council of Economic Advisors] of tax cuts even in the face of large deficits led some other economists, such as Paul Krugman and J. Bradford DeLong, to criticize him as in thrall to Bush administration policies.

* When I graduated from Pingry a few years after Michael Chertoff and a few years in advance of Greg Mankiw, my father told me just before I started at Harvard, "In your first week, you will wonder how you ever were admitted to Harvard, in your second week, you will wonder how you fellow students ever winded up there, and in your third, you will start wondering how the professors ever got hired." Greg's blog entry would have amused my father even though it makes me rather sad. Sphere: Related Content