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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Silverman Confuses Hebrew and Arabic

The Arabic name Barak in Barak Obama is not the same as the Hebrew name Barak in the name Ehud Barak. The final "k" in the former Barak is a simple Arabic kaf. The final "k" in the latter Barak is really a Hebrew qof, which corresponds to Arabic qaf.

The Arabic Barak comes from an Arabic root for blessing and roughly corresponds to the the Hebrew name Barukh (or Borukh in traditional Ashkenazic pronunciation). The Hebrew name Barak (better written Baraq) means lighting.

In addition to blessing, the Arabic name Barak also has connotations of perseverance, firmness, and steadfastness
Sarah Silverman wants Jews to gets their butts down to Florida for the Great Schlep.
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