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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jacqui Smith: Excluding the Extremists

Real Danger: Jewish Hate-Mongers
by Joachim Martillo (

According to the BBC in Extremists face tougher UK entry:

[UK Home Secretary Jacqui] Smith said: "Through these tough new measures I will stop those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country.

"Coming to the UK is a privilege and I refuse to extend that privilege to individuals who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life."

The changes will not require new legislation and are aimed at tackling "individuals who foster extremism or hate" - including radical Islamists, neo-Nazis and violent animal rights activists.

Are not David Horowitz (Islamofascism Week), Daniel Pipes, and all the people associated with the distribution of Obsession extremist hate-mongers?

Jeffrey Goldberg just made this accusation against Aish haTorah in The Jewish Extremists Behind Obsession. (See also Jeffrey Goldberg, Another Walt, Obsession.)

Shouldn't such people be banned from entering the UK (or the USA) to spread their extremist incitement? (The main culprits at Aish haTorah seem to be Canadian and Israeli.)

Today the world's most dangerous extremists and hate-mongers are practically all Jewish and a threat to the entire human population because so many have so much access to immense amounts of money or to high government officials especially in the UK and the USA.

Either the regulations apply the same to Muslims and Jews, or there is something seriously with the application of laws in the UK (and the USA).

USA and UK citizens need to address whether the USA and the UK are to be Rechtstaaten, where laws are enforced according to a regular, predictable and non-descriminatory system, or Judenstaaten, where Jews are privileged over non-Jews.

There is probably no more serious issue in our countries today.

To be more specific, if you were Muslim, you would have to conclude that Horowitz, Pipes, Steyn, Aish haTorah, etc. at the very least want to deprive you of civil rights, probably want you driven from the country, and certainly wouldn't mind a little genocide directed your way.

Molding Islamophobia according to the Pattern of Classic Anti-Semitism describes exactly what extremist Jewish hate-mongers are trying to do as they shield themselves from scrutiny by flinging scattershot charges of anti-Semitism. The quote from Mark Steyn at the end is particularly telling.

Yet, in truth this behavior is not the worst of Jewish extremist hate-mongering. Jewish Zionist Neocons acting as a Jewish special interest have manipulated the USA (and to a lesser extent) the UK into killing at least a million Arabs and Muslims and dislocating an order of magnitude more. (Why aren't Neocon ideas and goals an issue in the US presidential election?)

Identifying Jewish Zionist hate-mongering and extremism as perhaps the greatest threat to the world today is completely reasonable analysis.

Over at Mondoweiss Philip Weiss has been discussing Jewish exceptionalism and possibly missing Yuri Slezkine's main point in The Jewish Century, but the real issue is power as I discuss in Jewish Exceptionalism or Jewish Domination.

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