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Friday, October 03, 2008

Gilad Atzmon - Credit Crunch or rather Zio Punch? | Palestine Think Tank

In this article Gilad Atzmon discusses the interlinking the subprime meltdown, the credit crunch, and the ongoing program of Zionist Jewish Neocons to incinerate Arab and Muslim countries.

I have also discussed the subject in Aish, Meltdown, Jewish Social Networking, Shock Therapy Comes to America, Israel's Cost to USA, World, One Economic Crisis or Two? and Petroleum: Driving Force in Zionism.

While Atzmon partially blames apathy for the apparent ease with which the Neocons pursued their strategy and while he like me considers the credit crunch probably unintentional, I find evidence of conscious efforts of the Zionist oligarchy and intelligentsia to increase their power, status, and wealthy through a pattern of increasing market manipulations that go back to the 50s and yet have been for the most part unnoticed because "intangibles" like ethnicity and covert (political?) conspiracy tend to be left out of fundamental economic theory as if their role in the economy is somehow minor or anomalous.

Despite the general silence of economists on such "intangibles," columnists and political pundits are occasionally willing to discuss ethnicity in the context of economics or finance in order to throw rocks at minorities like African Americans or Hispanics as Jeff Jacoby does in Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco. Even if during an early period, subprime mortgage borrowers may have belonged disproportionately to minority groups, as Greenspan and then Bernanke raised interest rates out of fears resulting from Bush administration fiscal profligacy, more and more people, who earlier might have qualified for prime mortgages, found themselves forced into the subprime market. As much as Jabotinskian Zionist Jewish ideologues like Jacoby might want to push the blame for the fiscal disaster onto "liberal democrats" and non-whites, the facts really do identify Jabotinskian Neoconservative and Friedmanite Neoliberal policy as the cause.

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