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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Islam in Europe: France: Muslims in Catholic schools

This article suggests that the habits of French colonialism are now being applied in full force to Muslim citizens of France in that Muslims are being gallicized by shifting them to Catholic schools while Muslim schools are being starved of funds to which they are legitimately entitled. (See the original article link and view the sidebar video entitled Oldest school for Muslims in France struggles for funding.)

During the nineteenth century a similar situation existed in the Algerian Department of France. The Cremieux Decree made Algerian Jews citizens of France, but Algerian Muslims that wanted citizenship essentially had to renounce membership in the Muslim community. By recreating this situation, the French government (under heavy Zionist influence) is creating disaffection among a potentially very loyal population as the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland through agents like Sarkozy furthers the process of French Gleichschaltung within the Zionist imperial system.

Note that I am not suggesting that Muslims are inherently more patriotic than Jews. Muslims simply do not have the habit of transnational extra-state politics, and Muslims as a group are extremely heterogeneous unlike Jews, who belong in the vast majority to a single (Eastern European Ashkenazi) ethnic group.

In addition as I argue in the second part of The Israel Lobby and American society that as a result of the collapse of Commonwealth Poland and developments within Czarist Poland by the 1850s ethnic Ashkenazim developed several intelligentsias aimed at political transformation of both Jews and non-Jews.

By the end of the 19th century, the ethnic Ashkenazi Zionist intelligentsia managed to mobilize Western European Jewish wealth in the service of the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland (or Judonia), which now heads an incredibly rich and powerful imperial economic political system. Nothing comparable exists among Muslims, and the propaganda about Islamofascism and the Islamic umma (community) mostly originates among Jews, who are simply projecting the Zionist system onto Muslims. Sphere: Related Content