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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jewish Exceptionalism or Jewish Domination

Bacevich, and Spinoza, on the Error of Exceptionalism from Mondoweiss misses the key subject discussed in The Jewish Century.

Author Yuri Slezkine was addressing issues of domination more than issues of exceptionalism.

The tiny Soviet Ashkenazi elite stood in the same relation to the Communist Party (and the mass of Russian Jews) as the tiny Neocon Jewish Zionist Republican elite stands in relation to the Republican party (and the greater part of American Jewry).

Making either anomaly an issue of Jewish exceptionalism (or self-assuredness) instead of an issue of a power grab by a radical Jewish intelligentsia in Russia or by a Zionist intelligentsia backed by Zionist economic oligarchs in the USA turns the threat of tiny subversive cabals attempting to take control of the government into some sort of Jewish existential question.

Misdiagnosing the real situation then and now obscures the real danger to the state and to the world in both cases.

The subversives (Communist or Zionist Ashkenazi) have even worked to exacerbate the confusion because they can use it to cover themselves and their real goals by flinging accusations of anti-Semitism.

The Magnes Zionist: Kristol and the Shikse discusses some aspects of the real issue of power, perversion and corruption in addition to providing a long possibly relevant excerpt from The Jewish Century.

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