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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Clarion Fund: Anti-Muslim DVD to All U.S. Clergy, Lay Leaders on Behalf of Evangelicals Who Reject Prohibition Against Endorsing Candidates

Richard Silverstein's article speaks for itself.

Just when you catch your breath and think the Clarion Fund can’t do any more to promote anti-Muslim, anti-Obama hate during the election season, they surprise you by coming up with an even more outrageous act of incitement. Marketwatch reveals that Clarion is funding a mailing of the Islamophobic film, Obsession and other anti-Muslim material by a right-wing evangelical publication, the Judeo-Christian View, to 325,000 rabbis and ministers and 10-million congregational leaders and laity. This means that virtually every church and synagogue in the U.S., including their presidents and boards of directors will be inundated by this propaganda.

Marketing experts have already estimated a previous mailing of 28 million DVDs to swing state voters cost anywhere from $15-million to $50-million. The new mailing might easily run to $5-to $10-million. Unfortunately, Clarion is flying under the radar as a non-profit which doesn’t have to reveal its donors. It also refuses to reveal its funding sources despite repeated questions from various reporters.

The rest of the blog entry is very much worth reading.

My wife and I have been wondering why the production values (i.e., quality) of Obsession are so low when the people involved in its production and distribution have so much money to fling around.

Obviously, the less spent on the video, the more the Clarion/Aish staff can skim off for themselves, but I wonder if the effort at demonizing Muslims might be meant at least in part to distract from the Jewish Zionist aspect of subprime meltdown and the role that organizations like Aish might have played in it.

Low-budget rock throwing is probably a more cost-effective way to shift attention than putting together a more serious-appearing documentary would be.

As Aish rabbis were shuttling back and forth from one major Wall Street finance institution to another, were they passing insider info?

The fees that Aish received for these special private classes according to the NY Times were more in the range that couriers of illicit material or information expect than that talmudic scholars receive for private tutoring.

(Obviously more research is needed to determine who is funding and calling the shots at Aish.)

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