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Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Voting Republican

The video below is amusing but surprising for its lack of discussion of Neocons and the subprime meltdown. One speaker is an African American with a somewhat Islamic name, and he talks about minorities in prison, but a more acerbic statement would have addressed how much he likes being racially profiled because his first name is Kaleel. He could have added that he is voting Republican because the USA needs more Islamophobic incitement especially from the Republican Jewish Coalition in order to drive away all potential Persian Gulf investors, who might be able to provide liquidity to the American economy.

Kaleel could have added that he is voting Republican because he wants the US government to give billions of dollars to Israel as Americans are evicted from their homes because they cannot pay their mortgages because the Federal Reserve raised interest rates as the US economy went into recession to a large extent in response to the Jewish Zionist Neocon policy of wasting trillions of US dollars in incinerating Arab and Muslim countries in order to make the world safe for the State of Israel.

Unfortunately, irrational and racist devotion to pro-Israel foreign policy does not really distinguish Republicans from Democrats because "both [parties] love Israel" as Palin has pointed out.

I'm Voting Republican is a satirical look at the likely outcome of another four years of Republican government. The not-so-subtle message behind the film is the importance of a united bloc of citizens willing to take the time and effort to vote Democrat in order to improve America's domestic and foreign policy.
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