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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Set Up for Another Holocaust

by Joachim Martillo (
In situations where key information is lacking or simply too complex to grasp without tremendous effort, conspiracy theories constitute a sort of political phenomenology used to explain connections between current events, social trends, and the political or economic leadership.
Because of the faltering US economy and the disastrous state of international affairs, Jewish and non-Jewish conspiracy theorists are working overtime to discern the ultimate goals of the "unseen hand" that controls modern politics.

History teaches that the Illuminati consists of Satan-loving Jews and non-Jews; and exploits and kills anyone who doesn't fit into its plan for a Luciferian NWO.  At first glance, Israel would be a prime candidate for a repeat of the Jewish holocaust as most Israelis probably don't see themselves in Masonic NWO terms.

Fellow Winnipegger Barry Chamish is the leading exponent of the view that the Illuminati, through its CFR arm, controls Israel and intends to spare Jerusalem, but sacrifice the  rest to  its ultimate goal.  A selection of his work can be found here.

His scenario is plausible given Albert Pike's prescription for three world wars, the last resulting in the destruction of political Zionism and Islam.

In America,  the Jewish role bears a remarkable resemblance to  their position in the Weimar Republic. Their role in government, culture and the economy is well out of proportion to their numbers. As witting and unwitting tools of the Illuminati, they are seen by many as undermining Christian and American interests.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin this week made the comparison with Jesus and the "moneychangers."

"It is too bad that today's pastors and Christians do not share Jesus' disdain for the current generation of moneychangers, because it is the moneychangers who are in the process of destroying these United States of America--and our pastors and Christians either do not see it, or, if they do see it, do not seem to care."

Some Jews are beginning to sense the danger. Zionists are nervous about Barrack Obama's anti-war stance and growing anti-Zionism in America.

Americans, like the Germans before them, are not anti Semitic by nature. The economic situation in Germany had to deteriorate before Hitler could come to power. The real question is, does the Illuminati have anything to gain from an attack on Jews?

In the short term, as long as they need Zionists to control America, no. But as the New World Order becomes more onerous, and the position of Americans more perilous, the Illuminati may be happy to use Jews as their scapegoats once again. After all, pawns are made to be sacrificed.
Such scare-mongering is often associated with the most delusional forms of Zionist and Jewish communal fundraising.
In fact, a careful reading of Baldwin's essay shows no Jew-baiting whatsoever. Here are the critical paragraphs from MONEYCHANGERS DESTROYING AMERICA, AND CHRISTIANS DON'T SEE IT.
I'm sure if Jesus had taken time to sit down and dialogue with those First Century moneychangers, they could have come up with very nice, flowery speeches as to how they were doing the Jewish people a service; how they were patriotic Romans and/or pious Hebrews. But Jesus did not need to dialogue with them: He knew what they were. And He knew what He needed to do; and He did it.
What Jesus did is exactly what every pastor, Christian, conservative, and every other real American should do: rise up against these moneychangers and drive them out of power! But we cannot accomplish this until we see them for what they really are: power-mad extortionists who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of America's freedom and independence. Do you think our fellow pastors and Christians will ever see it?
Not only does Baldwin seem perfectly capable at least implicitly of distinguishing between Jews collectively and political or economic elites consisting of Jewish Neoconservatives and Friedmanites, but he is even suggesting that these two elite groups are exploiting American Jews. 
Baldwin's article indicates that a good part of his anger may actually be directed at Christian Zionist fellow travelers like John Hagee.
If American Jews are worried about increasing anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism, maybe they should start rethinking their relationship with Zionism and the State of Israel.
As more non-Jewish Americans realize every time they put gas in their cars that the alliance with the State of Israel is becoming increasing costly, they are becoming increasingly angry that American and Israeli Jews are singled out for a collective grant of complete immunity from punishment for numerous civil and criminal Israel-related violations of US and international law. 
As American non-Jews see increasing Israelization of American society in the erosion of Constitution rights that Bush and his Jewish Neocon policy makers are fostering, non-Jewish Americans reasonably worry about Zionist conspiracy against the rights of American citizens.
Non-Jewish Americans naturally wonder whether Jewish American loyalties lie with their fellow non-Jewish American citizens or with Jewish tribalism and the State of Israel.
To assuage such rational concerns and completely understandable hostility toward Zionist or Jewish special privilege, American Jews must start demanding prosecution of Jewish and Zionist leaders as well as Israel Lobbying and Jewish communal organizations for violations of the US tax code, SEC regulations, or FEC rules and especially for providing material aid to Zionist terrorism.
The USA hosts numerous Israeli (and probably Russian) Jewish immigrants that have been involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide related offenses. Why is the US Department of Justice Office of Special Investigations scouring geriatric wards for doddering former janitors from WW2 German concentration camps when genuine Zionist (or Soviet) Jewish monsters walk among us?
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