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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Two Poems about Palestine

Real Heroes, Zionist Mental Colonization
by Joachim Martillo (
The two poems below entitled "O Gaza Students"by Nizar Qabani and "You Want to Quibble Over Whether or Not It's Genocide?" by Robert Green clearly identify the heroes and threats of the twenty-first century.
Qabani is a renowned Arabic poet, but because my Arabic is not yet good enough to appreciate Arabic poetry, I can only consider the content and not the poesy per se.
I have to thank Adib Qa`war for these wonderful translations that make practicing Arabic so easy.
I swapped the order of the bicycle and milk bottle stanzas to correspond to the order of the Arabic poem.
I changed the English line "This is the Zionist era..." to "This is the Jewish era..." to translate the Arabic original more accurately.
I understand Qa`war's reluctance to translate that line literally.
Zionists have so manipulated American discourse that stating the obvious brings accusations of anti-Semitism even though in the experience of Palestinians
  • practically all the Zionists are Jews,
  • practically all the Jews are Zionists, and
  • Israel defines itself as the Jewish state.
Because of the political and economic disaster to which Bush administration Neocon policy makers have brought the USA, Jewish behavior is under close scrutiny in both the USA and in the region under Israeli control.
Because so many Americans are so obviously becoming annoyed with both the Israel Lobby and the organized Jewish community, I prefer to translate the plain meaning of the text and ignore any resultant vacuous ranting.
I have to agree with Qabani that we should all be ashamed that such beautiful Palestinian children have essentially been abandoned to struggle alone against the combined might of Neocon (Jabotinskian Zionist) genocidalism and Neoliberal (Friedmanite) rapaciousness.
Since the Iran-Contra Affair Jabontinskians and Friedmanites have worked together to plunder the poor and the middle class throughout the world in order to increase the wealth and power of people already in the uppermost economic class.
We Americans really do have to learn courage from the Palestinian resistance so that we too can fight back now that these two transnational mostly ethnic Ashkenazi political elites (see Jewish, Zionist War Against Salvation ) have turned their attentions to exploit Americans in the aftermath of their failure to loot Iraq and Lebanon.
As a rally cry against the hybrid Jabotinskian-Friemanite threat, Qabani's poem works.
In contrast, Green's lament is troubling
I am acquainted with Robert Green, and fortunately he is no David Ben-Gurion even if he is a distant relative. As far as I know, he is not even Jewish, and he strongly supports the Palestinian resistance, but his poem inappropriately equates the destruction of Yiddish culture in E. Europe with the premeditated program to murder Arab Palestine.
World War I and Soviet communism (especially the Jewish-led Yevsektsia or Jewish section) gave Yiddish culture the coup de grâce long before Hitler took power in Germany.
While genocidal hatred of Jews developed in the first half of the twentieth century mostly as a reaction to the role that some radical Jews played as the quintessential Soviet class trying both to perfect and also to spread the communist revolution throughout the world, the primary Zionist sources indicate that angry disenfranchised ethnic Ashkenazi intelligentsia plotted the murder of Arab Palestine in cold blood in E. Europe since the 1880s simply as a stepping stone to obtaining the power, wealth, and status to which they believed they were entitled. (See The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine. Note that Jewish Friedmanism and Jewish Marxism are fundamentally twisted mirror images of each other.)
Green's poem both
  • glosses over the many crimes that German and Eastern European Jews planned or undertook long before the Holocaust started and also
  • absolves unrepentant Zionist perpetrators by incorrectly depicting their crimes as the result of impersonal historical development even though the Zionist leadership was from the start and remains to this day genuinely malevolent.
Poems like Green's show Zionist colonization of the mind.
Consider the last stanza:
I can't find my grandmother's village
on a map of Belarus, what she called "White Russia."
It was called "Kapulya," "near Minsk,"
but it's not there.
as isn't Palestine.
Kapulya, which is also Kopil or Kopyl, still exists. The town has about 10,000 people
A major aspect of the Zionist program consisted of disconnecting Jews from Eastern Europe and their real past so that they could be more easily indoctrinated to believe that they really belonged in Palestine and that Palestine belonged to them. Neither claim is true. Yet, Palestine can still be saved if the lies that dominate American political, popular, and academic discourse about Jews and the State of Israel can be exposed.
No one likes to be conned, and thanks to Neocon scam artists, the legal mechanisms are fully in place to retaliate against Zionists with medieval vindictiveness. We Americans simply have to demand that the US government prosecute Jewish Zionists for their criminal violations in the same way it does non-Jews. No American group is above the law, and America has no hereditary aristocracy despite the beliefs of far too many Jews in their own superiority.
Obviously prosecuting, penalizing, and incarcerating American Jewish Zionists won't compensate the Palestinian children pictured below for all the abuse, suffering, degradation, oppression, and death that they should never have experienced, but such punishment of members of the Israel Lobby and the organized Jewish community is a good start on the path to full retribution.
يا تلاميذ غزة
شعر نزار قباني
ترجمها إى الإنجليزية: أديب قعوار
يا تلاميذ غزة علمونا...
بعض ما عندكم
فنحن نسينا
O… Gaza Students…
By: Nizar Qabani
Translated by: Adib S. Kawar
O… Gaza Students…
teach us…
we forgot…

بأن نكون رجالا
فلدينا الرجال
صاروا عجينا Teach us…
How men to become…
Paste our men became..
كيف الحجارة تغدو
بين أيدي الأطفال
ماسا ثمينا
Teach us…
How stones become…
In our kids hands…
Precious diamonds…
كيف تغدو
دراجة الطفل لغما
وشريط الحرير
يغدو كمينا
كيف مصاصة الحليب
إذا ما اعتقلوها
تحولت سكينا
How kids bicycles…
Dynamite they become…
And how a silk ribbon
An ambush it becomes
A milk bottle…
If detained…
To a knife it turns to be…

يا تلاميذ غزة
لا تبالوا
ولا تسمعونا
بكل قواكم
واحزموا أمركم
ولا تسألونا
O… Gaza students…
Don't bother…
With our broadcasting stations…
With all your might…
And decide…
And for permission…
You should not request …
Permission or approval that never comes…

نحن أهل الحساب
فخوضوا حروبكم
We are a people of arithmetic…
Wage your wars…
And abandon us…
إننا الهاربون
من خدمة الجيش
فهاتوا حبالكم
Deserters we are…
From the army..
Get your ropes…
And hang us…
نحن موتى
لا يملكون ضريحا
لا يملكون عيونا
قد لزمنا جحورنا
وطلبنا منكم
أن تقاتلوا التنين
قد صغرنا أمامكم
ألف قرن
خلال شهر قرونا
Dead we are…
Without graves…
And orphans…
Eyes we don't have…
In our holes we stayed hidden…
And we ordered you…
To fight the dragon!!!
Facing you dwarfed we became…
And retreated…
A thousand centuries…
While in a month…
You grew millennia…
يا تلاميذ غزة
لا تعودوا
لكتاباتنا ولا تقرأونا
O… Gaza students…
Don't go back to…
Our writings to reread us…

نحن آباؤكم
فلا تشبهونا
نحن أصنامكم
فلا تعبدونا
Your fathers we are…
Don't look like us…
Different you should be…
Your idols we are…
But don't worship us…

القات السياسي
ونبني مقابرا
من عقدة الخوف فينا
من رؤوسنا الافيونا
Addicted we are…
To political kat*…
Grave yards we build…
And prisons…
To liberate us…
From our fear complex
And expel…
Opium from our heads…

فن التشبث بالأرض
ولا تتركوا
المسيح حزينا
Teach us…
The art of adhering to our soil…
And Christ don't leave sad…
يا أحباءنا الصغار
جعل الله يومكم
Our beloved young ones…
May God make your days…

من شقوق الأرض الخراب
وزرعتم جراحنا
From the cracks of our desolated land…
Like jennies …
You sprang out…
And in our wounds…
Musk roses you planted…
هذه ثورة الدفاتر
فكونوا على الشفاه
بطولة وشموخا
إن هذا العصر اليهودي
سوف ينهار
لو ملكنا اليقينا
This is the copybook's revolution…
And ink…
And on lips be melodies…
Shower us with…
And pride…
This is the Jewish era…
An illusion…
That shall surely collapse…
If the will we have…

يا مجانين غزة
ألف أهلا
إن هم حررونا
You mad people of Gaza…
A thousand greetings...
To the mad…
If they liberate us…
إن عصر العقل السياسي
ولى من زمان
فعلمونا الجنونا
The political mind…
We left behind us…
So madness teach us…
                                            * kat = light narcotic plant which is chewed

          Poem by Robert Green, former Board member of Deir Yassin Remembered and distant relative of David Ben Gurion
You Want to Quibble Over Whether or Not It's Genocide?
Then let's forget the word entirely
it's a made up modern word
for what's been done by tribes since before before
made up by Raphael Lemkin
to name what was happening to us
which until then
was known as the crime of barbarity
now genocide
which I know
I agreed not to mention
but it was done to us
and now we're doing it to the next guy
the Palestinians
if we are allowed that word
like the word 'Jew' or really, "Juden"
a word that was supposed to be wiped out
with us
but wasn't
but our lives
one thousand years in Europe
our home
cleansed of us
and they said we were not a true people
"a people class" said Lenin
"a disease" said others
and now we're doing it to the next guy
OK, no gas ovens
that we know of
but poison gas aplenty
torture rooms
a special hanging called "a Palestinian hanging"
that now the Americans use
hang a human
by the wrists
tied together
back behind
till they crush their own lungs
over hours
maybe a few days
and die in horror
done so much
it's called "a Palestinian hanging"
and steal the land
and wall them in
and starve their babies
beat the pregnant women in front of their children
their mothers
their husbands
and the land, stealing it, walling it, pissing on it,
wiping out the place names.
I can't find my grandmother's village
on a map of Belarus, what she called "White Russia."
It was called "Kapulya," "near Minsk,"
but it's not there.
as isn't Palestine.

R.L. Green 2.17.2008

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Anonymous said...

Green's poem both

1. glosses over the many crimes that German and Eastern European planned or undertook long before the Holocaust started and also

2. absolves unrepentant Zionist perpetrators by incorrectly depicting their crimes as the result of impersonal historical development even though the Zionist leadership was from the start and remains to this day genuinely malevolent.

For heaven's sake, it's a poem that plays with the meanings of the word genocide--it is not a treatise meant to apportion exact quantities of responsibility--it absolves no one and glosses over nothing since that is not the subject of the poem.

Poems like Green's show Zionist colonization of the mind.

Really nonsense, Joachim. Bob's group, Vermonters for Justice and Peace, is an exemplary citizen's organization to educate the community. Stick to prose.

Joachim Martillo said...

Phil Weiss followed up this entry on his Mondoweiss blog at It's Sunday. Read a Poem for a Change.

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