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Monday, March 10, 2008

Monsters: Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power

Takes One to Know One
Gerri Peev reports Samantha Power's opinion in Obama aide blurts out attack in Scotsman interview.
"She is a monster, too – that is off the record – she is stooping to anything," Ms Power said, hastily trying to withdraw her remark.
Not only do the appetites of the Clintons as well as their groveling before monetary backers have incontrovertibly epic proportions, but Haim Saban as the Hillary campaign's foremost contributor expects top performance from those whom like German Chancellor Angela Merkel he has bought .
Samantha Power should recognize kindred spirits, for her willingness to stoop for Washington's worthy genocide establishment is itself a gargantuan phenomenon.
It may seem odd to speak of a worthy-genocide establishment, with Richard Holbrooke and Samantha Power as notable members, but we are living in the Kafka era, when major genocidists and their friends and allies can get very passionate and even win Pulitzer Prizes for their denunciation of  some genocides and "problems from hell" while actually facilitating, ignoring and apologizing for others. [1] Worthy genocides are those mass killings carried out by bad people,  notably U.S. enemies and targets, and they receive great attention and elicit much passion; the unworthy ones are carried out by  the United States or one of its client states, and they receive little attention or indignation and are not labelled genocides, even where the scale of killings greatly exceeds those so designated, obviously based on political utility. As the United States is an aggressive superpower that has been "projecting power" and opposing popular and revolutionary movements on a global scale since World War II, a very good case can be made that the unworthy genocides that it has carried out or supported have been predominant over the past half century—that it has been the source of more "problems  from hell" than any other state.
Possibly as an example of the general failure of modern American political scientists or policy analysts to take Jewish ethnic politics seriously, Herman subsumes Power's subservience to transnational autonomous Jewish or Zionist political elites to her service on behalf of the Washington establishment.
The killing of over a million Iraqis via the "sanctions of mass destruction" is unmentioned by  Samantha Power. Again, the correlation between exclusion, U.S. responsibility, and the view that such killings were "worth it" from the standpoint of U.S. interests, is clear. There is a similar political basis for Power's failure to include Israel's low-intensity genocide of  the Palestinians and South Africa's "destructive engagement" with the frontline states in the 1980s, the latter with a death toll greatly exceeding all the deaths in the Balkan wars of the 1990s. [19] Neither Israel nor South Africa, both "constructively engaged" by the United States, show up  in Power's index.
By omitting Soviet and Zionist Jewish genocides (Stalin's Jews and The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine) from A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, Power earned her Pulitzer Prize as she followed the trail blazed by Walter Duranty in 1932, for she left intact the Jewish victimology
  • that Zionists use to justify the theft of Palestine and
  • that Americans Jews uses to disqualify Palestinians as victims of genocide.
The following blog entries feature Samantha Power's prostitution on behalf of Zionism and the organized Jewish community:

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