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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Followup: Obama vs. Israel Lobby

Is Commentary Needed?
I wrote:
The second article makes the important point that "Obama's problem with Jewish voters" is simply code for "Obama's problem with Jewish donors," who worry that Obama just might sympathize with Palestinians and act upon that sympathy however much he swears fealty to the State of Israel, grovels before the Israel Lobby, and kisses the feet of the wealthiest Zionist Jewish campaign contributors.
In The Audacity of Chutzpah (Washington Post, March 18, 2002, p. A2) Dana Milbank  describes a United Jewish Communities meeting in which representatives of Clinton, McCain and Obam spoke. Milbank wrote:
The others used their time to raise doubts about Obama's fealty to Israel. "Senator Obama has said that he commits in his first year as president to meeting with President Ahmadinejad of Iran," Lewis said. McCain, Eagleburger added, "will not talk with the Syrians, will not talk with the Iranians, will not talk with Hamas and Hezbollah. . . . He isn't going to push the Israelis."
Milbank noted:
Security guards with Israeli accents turned away people at the door as the room overflowed.
Could there be a clearer hint of the future if either shabbesgoy McCain or shabbesshikse Clinton becomes POTUS? (See Money Jews, Brain Jews, Politics.)
McCain's family has the longer history of shabbesdinst because his father covered up the attack on the USS Liberty -- apparently on orders from LBJ. (See Anti-War: 1960s versus 2000s.)
Yet, Clinton is no slouch about groveling to wealthy Jews because she sold her soul to Haim Saban during her campaign to become senator of the State of New York.
Kudos to Philip Weiss for noticing the Washington Post article. (See Apparently Without Irony, Washington Post Says Jewish Advocates Demand that Obama Show 'Fealty to Israel'.)
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