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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Shavit: Zionist Bigot, Jewish Racist

Using Holocaust to Avoid Scrutiny
By Joachim Martillo (

[I wrote this note in July 2005. Because Ari Shavit has something of a reputation as a leftist or liberal, I am adding it to my blog as a corrective.]

Not only is the July 20th 2005 NPR Connection Radio Program completely offensive because of Shavit`s general racism and condescension, but he also manages to provide a classic example of using the Holocaust to deflect scrutiny or criticism of the Zionist mentality when I ask Shavit (34` 40``) about the racism of Israeli Zionists and the theft of Palestinian lands in the late 1940s-1950s. I wonder if The Connection will provide any non-Zionist and anti-Zionist (maybe even a native Gazan) to analyze the duplicity, hypocrisy and criminality associated with the Israeli government`s concept of disengagement.

Zionists never change. Ben Gurion said the older Palestinians will die and the younger Palestinians will forget. Shavit says the same thing but qualifies that it will happen in the next generation.

I am completely disgusted when Zionists and their apologists tell us that we cannot scrutinize the behavior of the victims of the Holocaust.
(Note that in any case, the Zionist leadership did not experience the Holocaust but expected to use it to deflect attention from their planned crimes in Palestine).
Elsewhere I have written that "racist ethnic Ashkenazim and Zionist colonizers provide yet another example of the common historical pattern where the victims or descendants of a victimized population become themselves a population of victimizers.* The material that the professional anti-Islamists produce today even almost exactly duplicates the titles of works from professional Judeophobes of the past. Probably with no awareness of his far more learned but similarly malicious forerunner, Robert Spencer called his recently published collection of anti-Islamic bigotry Islam Unveiled, a title that has a striking resemblance to Entdecktes Judentum (Judaism Revealed), the name Eisenmenger chose for his epic screed against Judaism and Jewry.

Just as Serbs, who viewed themselves as victims of genocide during WW2, fell so easily into a murderous victimization mode during the 1990s, likewise today racist ethnic Ashkenazim and racist Zionist colonizers, who either are victims or else are descended from victims of genocide or of incitement that lead to genocide, are now major purveyors or encouragers** of very similar acts against Arabs and Muslims."
* One must also remember that Soviet Ethnic Ashkenazim as the quintessential Soviet class were victimizers long before the Holocaust began. See The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine. Many ethnic Ashkenazim had a lot of practice in victimizing others long before the Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine started.

** Spencer is not ethnic Ashkenazi, but most of his readership is.
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Anonymous said...

I'm not a Zionist; I'm not an anti-Zionist. I'm neither Israeli nor Arab. What I am is thoroughly disgusted by your brand of yellow journalistic writing. It makes you guilty of exactly the same sort of delusional hatred that you accuse others of. Well done -- as long as you encourage hatred ON EITHER SIDE, you're part of the problem rather than part of the solution. If you don't want to deal with apologists for Zionism, don't become one for the Palestinians or anyone else by ignoring the fact that the problems are of much longer standing than length of time Israel has existed. Your bias reveals you to be a phony, a purveyor of hatred like those you accuse, rather than someone who seeks just resolution for all parties. In other words, you're a jackass. I don't believe you have the guts to publish this without editing it to suit your own bent sensibilities.

Joachim Martillo said...

I post practically all comments if they are reasonably relevent and not too profane in language.

The problem of the conflict over Palestine originated when a portion of the Russian Jewish intelligentsia started to work on mobilizing wealthy Western European Jews to create a mini-colonial empire in the Middle East.

Petroleum: Driving Force in Zionism discusses the oil-related aspect of this mobilization.

Obviously, the problem existed before the founding of the State of Israel, but it did not exist before ethnic Ashkenazi invaders started to arrive in 1881.

Before that date, ethnic Ashkenazim and the native Palestinian population had practically no contact whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that zionists feel the need to say they are not zionists then proceed to make outrageous zionist claims, mount ad hominem attacks, use phrases like "yellow journalism" and make grandiose denouncements against the person?

Another thing that puzzles me is the antiPalestinian ferocity of these Russian, Ukrainians and Georgians amongst others who had no relations to the vast body of victims of the Holocaust who were largely Jews of West and Central Europe. These victims of the Holocaust saw themselves as Germans, French, Dutch, Czecks, etc and they were betrayed by their own countrymen. They felt no closeness to these easterners that feast over the memory of the Holocaust.

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