I can only add
- that in my formulation of Judonia Friedman is not only a member of the Zionist intelligentsia, but he also counts as a Zionist political economic oligarch because of the wealth of his wife's family and
- that on the basis of Zionist writings since 1881 I could easily make the case that with the possible exception of a small number of wealthy Potemkin Palestinians, who would fit the model of Reshid Bey from Herzl's Altneuland, Zionists have always intended to genocide Palestinians that could not be ethnically cleansed.
[Note that in my document Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society, I use the terminology member of Judonia on analogy with the phrase member of Harvard Corporation. Nowadays, I prefer to employ Zionist political economic oligarchs just as journalists, scholars and analysts refer to Russian Jewish oligarchs in the territories of the former Soviet Union.]
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