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Saturday, January 03, 2009

HLN: Zeynep Sever is Miss België

I have some qualms about this posting because of the ongoing Zionist massacre in Gaza (see also First Poll on US Opinion about Gaza), but I interpret the choice of a Belgian Turkish Muslim as Miss Belgium (just like the earlier choice of a Dutch Turkish Muslim as Miss Netherlands) as a sign of the near-term normalization of Muslim communities throughout Europe and N. America while Jewish Zionists will gradually but with increasing speed be consigned to the despised radical and extremist fringe as an increasing number of non-Jews and non-Muslims develop greater awareness

who became victims during WW2 primarily as a response to Communist Ashkenazi depredations (including mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide) from the Bolshevik Revolution through the 1940s.

Zionist Ashkenazim continue the tradition of ethnic Ashkenazi barbarism that starts in the middle 19th century when Russian ethnic Ashkenazim led the radicals of Narodnaya Volya (Народная Воля) in campaigns of sabotage, targeted assassination (including Czar Alexander II), and revolutionary violence.

In stolen and occupied Palestine murderous genocidal extremist Zionist Ashkenazi invaders, interlopers, and thieves have enmeshed Jews of other ethnicities (as well as all Americans thanks to Neocon Zionist subversion of the US political system) in ongoing ethnic Ashkenazi crimes against humanity.
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