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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

BBC and Gaza Charity Appeal

On Jan. 23rd I sent MP Baroness Faulkner a letter about the BBC refusal to air the Gaza charity appeal.

Here is the first line of her Wikipedia biography:
Kishwer Falkner, Baroness Falkner of Margravine (born 9 March 1955) is a British Liberal Democrat politician and Life Peer. She is Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Communities and Local Government in the House of Lords.
I became acquainted with her a few years ago at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Here is the letter.
Hi Kishwer,

This BBC decision is almost guaranteed to enrage Musim Brits, to create scorn among decent Brits in general, and to damage British reputation.

I have researched this sort of practice in the USA media for many years, and it probably would not be hard to put together a list of Zionist or Jewish racist media facilitators or gatekeepers responsible for this decision.

In the US market the BBC decision would probably represent a combination of conspiracy against rights, restraint of trade and, possibly, a RICO offense.

I have spoken with the important US congressman Barney Frank about these sorts of Arabophobic and Islamophobic abuses.

I don't know if you ever met him when you were at Harvard. He represents one of the most psycho-Zionist districts in the USA, and he swore to me that Obama's staff understood that they had to work with Arab and Muslim Sovereign Wealth Funds and countries in order to solve the economic crisis and that this sort of discriminatory behavior was going to disappear.

Don't you find it outrageous that these practices will reappear now in the UK when it is so clear that the Israeli government has been working so hard at sugar-coating the slaughter of Arab or Muslim women and children? (See
Gaza: Planned Chaos and Eradication.)

Does the British government really want to permit the BBC to take active part in the long term and ongoing Zionist strategy of eradicating Palestinians in Stolen and Occupied Palestine?


Joachim Martillo

Here is a videoclip on the issue. Sphere: Related Content