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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Natural US Ally in ME

From a realist standpoint, the USA should probably dump Israel for Iran as an ally rather as Nixon recognized the PRC as China in place of the RoC.

The USA gets no benefits in terms of either hard power or soft power from the State of Israel while abolishing the Zionist state would probably decrease hostility toward the USA immensely.

If the abolition of Israel were handled properly with identification of the State of Israel as the keystone in major criminal and terrorist organization (the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland), we could fix the US economy by seizing the assets of the 1000 wealthiest Zionists as well as all the assets of the organized Jewish community and of all Israel advocacy organizations.

A system of fines and imprisonment would have to be worked out for lower ranking Zionists.

A new Nuremberg tribunal would have to be established for high-ranking Zionists.

For example Martin Peretz is probably comparable to either Joseph Goebbels or Otto Dietrich. The Allies would probably have executed Goebbels but only imprisoned Dietrich for seven years. Peretz should probably spend the rest of his natural life in an ICC prison.

[Note that Neturei Karta would be exempted from asset seizure. It looks like one of the few Jewish communal groups of integrity because it would no longer be considered on the fringe and its financial status would probably improve immensely if it gave up its vocal anti-Zionism.]

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