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Monday, January 05, 2009

Rice Recites Islamophobic Talking Points

Zionism Infection Causes Brain Rot
by Joachim Martillo (

Please watch the video at Update: Condoleezza Rice statement on efforts to arrange a Gaza Cease-Fire. Her description of the background to the Israeli attack on Gaza has so little connection to the facts that it must have been prepared by an Israel lobby organization. AIPAC is a possibility, but Rice uses the Arabic word taqiya where she means hudna.

Hudna is an Arabic word for truce.

Taqiya means prudence or cautiousness, and some Shiite legal thinkers use it to describe permissible withholding of facts about one's beliefs under threat of death.

Although few Muslims are even aware of such permission, which also exists in Judaism and Catholicism under similar circumstances, Zionist propaganda frequently cites taqiya to prove that non-Muslims can never trust Muslims under any circumstances.

People that babble about taqiya invariably belong to one of the following three categories:
  • Jewish Zionist extremists,
  • Robert Spencer or similar non-Jewish propagandists shilling for Jewish racists, or
  • naive readers of literature produced by a Jewish hate group even more vile than AIPAC.
While it is possible that Stanford has told its former provost to take a hike and she is trying to position herself to get a job at some Islamophobic Jewish funded think-tank, Rice most likely belongs to the third category and was probably drunk, stoned, or exhibiting early signs of senile dementia when she read the Zionist talking points from which her statement was crafted.
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