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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nuremberg: Israeli Jews, Pakistani Muslims

A New Standard of Hypocrisy!
by Joachim Martillo

The US condemns rocket attacks on Israeli Jewish civilians by the Palestinian resistance. Yet the USA routinely kills dozens of Pakistani Muslim civilians via drone attacks. Could the USA possibly be more hypocritical?

Zionist Jews believe that they have the right to plunder and to kill non-Jews with impunity.

Zionist Jews planned to genocide Palestinians in the 1880s and started abusing them as part of a very dirty demographic war in the 1890s.

Zionist Jews put their genocidal plans into effect in 1947 and have not let up since.

Not only are Palestinian attacks on Zionists are completely legitimate, but they are also completely legal under Nuremberg Law, which the USA helped create.

In contrast, US attacks on Pakistani Muslims are neither legal nor legitimate.

Until Obama ends attacks on Pakistani Muslims and retracts condemnation of the Palestinian resistance, he engages Muslims not on terms of mutual respect and equality but instead insults the intelligence of any decent human being that understands the difference between right and wrong.
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