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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Palestinian Foreign Policy Realism

The history of of ethnic Ashkenazi terrorism, sabotage, targeted assassinations, and radical violence indicates that sometime in 1850s a small but significant group of ethnic Ashkenazim began to believe that Jews should be able to plunder and kill non-Jews with impunity.

The success of the Zionist movement has spread this idea throughout the Jewish community as Zionist apologetics for the murder of Rachel Corrie and other non-Jews and non-Arabs for the sake of Zionism has shown.

Jews feel that non-Jews have to take responsibility for violence that has arisen in non-Jewish politics.

When are Jewish hypocrites like NY Times columnist Tommy Friedman going to take responsibility for the violence that has grown out of Jewish politics?

A good number of the most horrendous mass murderers of the 20th century have been Jewish.

It is worthwhile to note that one of the first ethnoreligious groups to get really pissed at ethnic Ashkenazim in the 19th century were the Tatar Jews of historic Poland.

Let's see if Jewish apologists for Jewish genocidalism can find some twisted and perverted way to blame Christian scripture for that hostility, which replaced the cordial relations of the 18th century between ethnic Ashkenazim and Jewish Tatars.

The issue is important because realistically no genuine Palestinian leader can agree to a settlement unless there is some basis to believe that Zionists will be strongly hindered in the future from going off on another binge of the sort of Jewish-planned and Jewish-officered mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide that litter 20th century Jewish history.

From a standpoint of realist Palestinian foreign policy, fighting a asymmetic war in which the behavior of Zionists creates increasing hatred of Israel, Zionists and Jews may be the only way to create some sort of restraint on Jewish genocidalism to make a settlement possible.

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