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Monday, January 19, 2009

NY Times: Zionist Thought Control

Phil Weiss discusses NY Times Zionist thought control and an attack on his blog in The 'Times' attacks this blog, and finally offers El-Khodary without filters to its readers.

The Times book blog provides a ridiculous list of recommended books in Reading List: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

A commenter responded:

That's amazing... Of eight authors, six are Jewish, including four Israelis and a professional lobbyist.

The whole gamut of Middle East perspectives from alpha to beta.

Israel Advocacy Organizations Change Tactics mentions Samuel G. Freedman, who is apparently a Zionist gatekeeper and facilitator at the NY Times.

The AJC Attacks! refers to an amazing NY Times Islamophobic article by Edward Rothstein. Rothstein is Times culture-critic-at-large. The creativity of his extreme or (more accurately) psychotic Islamophobia makes it no surprise that Rothstein worked for Martin Peretz at The New Republic.

Concerns raised about potentially fraudulent "Citizens Group" in Boston follows up the first item and chronicles the new class of non-Jewish Zionist gatekeeper and facilitators among Christians.

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