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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Friedman Aiding, Abetting Zionist Terrorism

Tom Friedman offers a perfect definition of "terrorism" by Glenn Greenwald speaks for itself.

I can only add
  • that in my formulation of Judonia Friedman is not only a member of the Zionist intelligentsia, but he also counts as a Zionist political economic oligarch because of the wealth of his wife's family and
  • that on the basis of Zionist writings since 1881 I could easily make the case that with the possible exception of a small number of wealthy Potemkin Palestinians, who would fit the model of Reshid Bey from Herzl's Altneuland, Zionists have always intended to genocide Palestinians that could not be ethnically cleansed.
It has just been a matter of sufficiently demonizing Palestinians in the (Jewish Zionist dominated or manipulated) media while Jewish spokesman and non-Jewish shills would make the case for compelling necessity.

[Note that in my document Judonia Rising: The Israel Lobby and American Society, I use the terminology member of Judonia on analogy with the phrase member of Harvard Corporation. Nowadays, I prefer to employ Zionist political economic oligarchs just as journalists, scholars and analysts refer to Russian Jewish oligarchs in the territories of the former Soviet Union.]
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