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Friday, January 16, 2009

Russia, Ukraine, Gaza, Natural Gas

The Russia-Ukraine natural gas dispute discussed in Stephen M. Walt: Russia vs. Ukraine: who's being fuelish? has direct relevance to Israel's war on Gaza.

There is a lot of natural gas in Gazan territorial waters, and Gazan natural gas could fuel Europe whenever Russia shut off the existing pipeline through Ukraine or the direct pipeline under construction.

Control of energy resources has always been an overriding goal of the Jewish political economic oligarchs that bankroll the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland. (See Petroleum: Driving Force in Zionism.)

War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields discusses the connection between that Zionist attack on Gaza and Gaza resources.

The possibility of stealing offshore natural gas from Palestinians, who might benefit from selling it to Europe, has almost certainly played a major role in the Zionist decision to ravage Gaza.

I discuss my run-in with Zionist greed and rapaciousness in Joachim Martillo used to do business in Israel. Now he supports Divestment.

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