Ben White's Guardian article explains the logic of the Zionist right to defense argument in justifying Israel's high-tech pogrom on Gaza.
I have noticed several groups shilling for US Israel advocacy organizations for the purpose of preventing humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza.
The EU appears to have decided (possibly under pressure) that no money will be released for Gaza reconstruction until Hamas is eliminated.The combination suggests a well thought-out, already laid-out and coordinated plan
- to create chaos and death in Gaza,
- to sugar-coat premeditated killings of women and children, and
- to prevent relief from reaching the most needy.
If some Zionist or fool babbles incoherently like my Congressman Mike Capuano about "Israel's right to defend itself," just tell him or her that country-stealers or more properly home-invaders have no right to defend themselves under any rational criminal code.
(Of course, under the Zionist code, Jews have the right to plunder and to kill non-Jews with impunity. Why does any decent person tolerate Zionist non-sense? It is really scary that in terms of skepticism toward Zionism and willingness to hold the State of Israel accountable for its actions, Capuano is one of the better congressmen.)
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