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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Palestinian Dream, Zionist Hasbarah, America

Phil Weiss posted an blog entry entitled After pregnant pause, Bono celebrates 'Palestinian dream' at Lincoln Memorial event for Obama. Bono appears to have given equal time to the Palestinian and the Israeli dreams.

Israeli dream is really a misnomer because the Zionist goal of creating a Judenstaat is meant. Judenstaat has two possible meanings:
  • a state in which Jews are privileged over non-Jews, or
  • a state from which the non-Jews have been ethnically cleansed.
In either case, Israeli Palestinians could not share in the Zionist dream, and neither should Americans. At the end of the discussion below about Zionist hegemonic discourse and Zionist dystopia I explain why.

[Side note: Zionizing Jewish Culture and History identifies the ur-Zionist dream from which the Zionist ideology and belief system has grown. Jeffrey Goldberg, Another Walt, Obsession is a followup that provides more information on Zionist mentality and Jewish denial.]

More Zionist Hasbara from CGleek

CGleek writes in response to Stephen Walt's blog entry An unconvincing defense:

However, I think you're downplaying (hopefully not missing) an added dimension to this latest round of war in Israel and the territories. It is in Israel's interest to simultaneously find a workable solution for a Palestinian state and defeat radical, armed factions such as Hamas that are competing to represent the Palestinians. Unfortunately, the PLO & its successor organization (the PA) have not been able to weed out the extremist forces within their midst; in contrast to the way the Jewish Agency & Haganah were able to ultimately arrest/marginalize/diffuse members of the Irgun and Stern Gang during the years leading up to Israeli independence. Hamas has no interest in achieving statehood for themselves or the Palestinians; their ideology and their practical experience in Gaza the past few years is remarkably clear on this matter.

Obviously, Zionists have an interest in establishing the hegemony of this sort of discourse, but people, who have actually spoken with the Hamas leadership like Jimmy Carter or who can read or listen to their statements without the mediation of MEMRI, have come to a different conclusion.

But even this issue is almost irrelevant. Under Ronald Reagan the USA worked very effectively with Islamists and Mujahidin. In retrospect our mistake seems to have been to disengage from them.

We can try to hold back the tide of Islamic democracy in the ME, but we seem to be well into the region of diminishing returns, and in the past few weeks Israel has done more to undermine secular democracy in Turkey than an Islamist government could do if it were in power for 20 years.

CGleek's claims that the Jewish Agency/Haganah/Labor Zionist leadership weeded out the extremists are meaningless. The Stern Gang belonged to the "Left" side of the Zionist spectrum while the Revisionists (Jabotinskians)/Irgun were simply brought into the political process, and now the Jabotinskians dominate both Israeli and US politics.

Jabotinskian agents here include both the Neocons on the Republican side and Jabotinskian Zionist democrats like Rahm Emanuel in the Obama administration.

These two American Jabotinskian groups are easily traceable to the American Revisionist Zionists of the 20s, 30s, and 40s. The original American Revisionists are ably documented by Medoff in Militant Zionism in America.

Both sets of modern American Jabotinskian Zionists answer to Zionist political economic oligarchs like Saban, the Bronfmans, Adelson, the Krafts, Peretz, the Pritzkers, and about another 1000, who are the primary donors to Zionist causes and who are mobilized by the Zionist intelligentsia. The Zionist Oligarchy and Intelligentsia are the core of the Israel Lobby.

The Israel Lobby is the public face of the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland or Judonia, which runs a lucrative neo-imperialist system, whose keystone is the Zionist settler colony in stolen and occupied Palestine.

Judonia has rendered the USA an intimidated and dependent client state.

Whether Americans are willing to continue to live under the domination of a virtual state that has systematically ruined the US economy is a purely domestic issue.

[I wrote the following section almost precisely a year ago. My economic model predicted that petroleum prices would rise through the summer and humble the US economy, but I would never have guessed that Poulson and Bernanke would act quite as incompetently as they did. At this point we need a much more serious claw-back to reconstruct the banking system than I originally expected. I know it won't happen, but in my dreams the Obama administration would arrest Poulson and Bernanke on charges of economic terrorism at the very least in order to force some clear explanations of their behavior. Note that I have changed my terminology since I wrote the piece below. Nowadays I usually call the staff of Judonia its bureaucracy, and I use Zionist political economic oligarchs where I previously employed the phrase members of Judonia on the model of "members of Harvard Corporation."]

Fighting the Dystopic Future

Imperial Judonia represents a grave threat to America and to the whole human race. It has the ability to manipulate the governments of the USA, Canada, the UK, and most of Europe. By manipulating the US economy, the World Bank, and the IMF, it has developed tremendous wealth.

The staff of Judonia is willing to use any form of violence, any form of subversion, and any lie to increase Judonian wealth and power for the good of the Jewish people and to make the world safe for Israel. Israeli security effectively requires the subjugation of the human race, which started with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, continued with the impoverishment of the populations of the southern cone of Latin America as well as the looting of SE Asian and the former Soviet States all in the name of freedom. Then the depredations of Judonia became even worse to include the immurement of Palestinians as well as the incineration, dismantlement, and cluster-bombing of Arab and Muslim countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Somalia), along with support for a coup in Venezuela (Venezuela coup linked to Bush team | World news | The Observer[475]) likewise in the name of freedom and with incitement to attack other Arab and Muslim countries (the Sudan, Pakistan, and Iran) also in the name of freedom.

NEU Professor M. Shahid Alam writes (M. Shahid Alam: The Clash Thesis: a Failing Ideology?[476]):

Americans are also asking, the President informs us, "why do they hate us?" His answer is clearly stated. "They hate what we see right here in this chamber ­ a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms ­ our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other." It is not clear anymore if 'they' points to al-Qaida, the Arabs or all Muslims.

It is hardly surprising that Arabs, Muslims and increasing numbers of other peoples hate American freedoms that amount to free fire zones and free market exploitation, and as long as Judonia controls the US government, we Americans have no genuine freedom.

Because Judonia was unable to loot the Arab world under the cover of free markets, the American taxpayer is already being exploited to bailout Wall Street Banks. Once Judonian assets are fully and securely globalized, the staff and members of Judonia would probably welcome the collapse of the US economy because it would hurt the Chinese and the Gulf Arabs.

The section Fighting Back to Save America in Judonia Rising Working Paper Part 1 (pdf)[477] or Judonia Rising Working Paper Part 1[478] provides some suggestions for actions against Judonia, and there are some exploitable fault lines within Judonia as this document has indicated, but so much of the US government has been compromised – including the executive and practically the entire Congress – that Judonia may have achieved permanent domination over the USA.

Judonia’s only real weakness comes from the system that Judonia has constructed

  • in the security and anti-terrorism laws that have become part of US criminal code since 9/11 and
  • in the humanitarian and anti-genocide discourse that the staff of Judonia has created to use against the Sudan and Iran.

Only Americans deny to any significant degree that Israel is a murderous terrorist state that is founded in genocide and that casually commits crimes against humanity as a matter of state policy.

As gas prices rise over the summer, Americans may become more open to hearing the truth, and then the members, staff and organizations of Judonia will become vulnerable to accusations of giving material support to terrorism and of inciting genocide.

If Jews and Jewish organizations do not receive exactly the same treatment as Muslims and Muslim organizations accused of giving material support to terrorism, Jewish officials like Mukasey and Chertoff will be vulnerable to accusations of enforcing one set of laws for Jews and another for non-Jews.[lxxiv]

Generally, unequal prosecution amounts to obstruction of justice or to some other related form of official malfeasance. Jewish officials and collaborators engaging in obstruction of justice and related official malfeasance in the service of Judonia will themselves become prosecutable or at least summarily dismissible.

A public discussion of Jewish racism and conspiracy should make it possible to ask whether non-Jews can suggest the sort of treatment for the Jewish state that Jewish officials are willing to recommend for non-Jewish states.

Because the State of Israel is the keystone of the subversive influence that the Zionist intelligentsia of Judonia have over America,

  • forcing regime change in Israel as it was forced in Iraq
  • abolishing the Jewish state as the Iraqi state has been effectively dismantled by the occupation

would almost certainly improve the security of the USA, give Americans their country back, and make it possible to take Judonia apart and seize assets to serve

  • as compensation for the damage that Judonia has caused to America and
  • as relief for the suffering that Judonia has caused Middle Eastern and other populations throughout the world since the founding of the modern Zionist movement.

If Americans do not take action to neutralize Judonia very soon, the next generation of security technology may give Judonia permanent unassailable domination over the USA.

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