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Thursday, June 18, 2009

[Truthout] Iran: Who's Diddling Democracy?

To tell the truth even if the hypothesis of material US support to the Iranian opposition is true, Mousavi could easily be playing the US government as Ahmed Chalabi played the Neocons. I have yet to determine real differences between Mousavi and Ahmadinejad except that Mousavi has no interest in debating about the Holocaust.

Iran: Who's Diddling Democracy?

by: Steve Weissman, t r u t h o u t | Perspective

This photo of a lifeless body - allegedly a protester killed by government forces - on the street in Tehran was posted on Twitter. (Photo: Twitter)

Watching the protesters in Tehran, many Americans feel a strong sense of empathy, exhilaration and hope. I strongly share those feelings, especially since I know firsthand the danger the protesters face from government thugs on motorcycles, provocateurs and the secret police. But none of this should blind us to the likelihood that our own government is dangerously meddling in Iran's internal affairs and playing with the lives of those protesters.

Back in 2007, ABC News reported that President George W. Bush had signed a secret "Presidential finding" authorizing the CIA to mount covert "black" operations to destabilize the Iranian government. According to current and former intelligence officials, these operations included "a coordinated campaign of propaganda broadcasts, placement of negative newspaper articles, and the manipulation of Iran's currency and international banking transactions."

Also see:
Steve Weissman | How Uncle Santa Diddles Democrats From Ukraine to Venezuela

Also see:
CIA's Black Operation in Iran

Also see below:
From the Rooftops of Tehran, Cries of Protest Stir a Student

In the language of spookery, this was an updated version of the destabilization campaign that the CIA had earlier used to overthrow the progressive government of Salvador Allende in Chile.

[To read the entire article, click here.]

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