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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mosque Spites Wilders, Zionist Racists!

Unless the builders of the Great Mosque of Xi'an were incredibly prescient, they had no intention of thwarting Geert Wilders' proposal to ban the Quran; yet carving the Holy Scripture into the walls sounds like a great way to spite the American-Zionist-financed Islamophobe and his racist Jewish backers. If only such a mosque could stand opposite his main office in the Netherlands!

Qur’an on Walls + Open Thread Sunday 6/14/09

While taking AlMaghrib Institute’s Uloomul Qur’an class (Sciences of the Qur’an) this past January, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi went on one of his famous tangents and began discussing the history of Muslims in China and their struggles. A brother from the audience raised his hand and mentioned how he visited a masjid in China where the Muslims were not allowed to have any written copies of the Qur’an so out of their love and need for this Book, they carved the whole Qur’an on the walls of their masjid, and it is still there to this day.

SubhanAllah, have we ever thanked Allah for the easy access we have to His Book? We can go to our shelf and pick up one of our many copies and read the Qur’an without any problems. Without any worry of being persecuted only for saying: Laa ilaaha il Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah. May Allah grant victory to our brothers and sisters in China, Ameen.

[To read the entire article, click here.]

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