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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maurice Pinay Blog: John Loftus

Even though pandering false Jewish historical beliefs is probably an easy ticket to a best seller, I am always amazed that so many Irish Catholic Americans like James Carroll insist on babbling incoherently on the history of Catholic-Jewish relations when Ireland of all European countries stands practically alone for never having had a native Jewish community and for never having been a destination of historical international Jewish trading networks.

Maurice Pinay does a real service when he occasionally highlights Irish Catholic American Zionist fellow travelers:

John Loftus

Every once in a while John Loftus is strangely cited as a credible source by people who should know better.

Here are a few leads on John Loftus:

He's on the B'nai B'rith lecture circuit and a former president of a Holocaust Museum:

He's an author of a conspiracy tract titled The Secret War Against the Jews which contains an apologia for convicted spy for 'Israel,' Jonathan Pollard. The book also contains an apologia for the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Read a few critiques of Loftus' nonsense from men who were aboard the USS Liberty when it was attacked by the Israeli military here:

John Loftus is an author of a book titled, Unholy Trinity which regurgitates black legends of a Vatican-Nazi conspiracy.

[To read the whole article, click here.]

Pinay neglected to mention that Loftus has been a major player in the racist Jewish Zionist conspiracy against the rights of Muslim and Arab Americans. He was a leader in the attack on Sami al-Arian and desperately needs to sojourn in a federal prison for an extended period.

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