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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Drybones: How Jewish Zionists Self-Indoctrinate

How Zionists Force Cause Auto-Brain-Rot

West Bank Dictionary

West Bank Dictionary : Dry Bones cartoon.
The terminology that the media uses conveys so much! And we, the consumers of their news reports, are often so uninformed and/or unthinking that we swallow the hook embedded in the tidbits that they feed us. So it is that, on the West Bank, Jews live in "settlements" while Arabs live in towns, villages, and cities. And while we're at it there's the term "West Bank" itself.

Like most folks, I'm comfortable with "West Bank" as a neutral, innocent, geographical phrase ..while the use of "Judea and Samaria" is politically motivated and is what the "settlers" and right wing Israelis call it ...right?

Actually that's wrong! It's another rewrite of history that we've swallowed.

[To see the entire racist Jewish Zionist blog entry, click here.]

Here are my definitions:

Shtetlech or derflech, places were ethnic Ashkenazim used to live in E. Europe. Ethnic Ashkenazim constitute an autochthonous Eastern European and Southern Russian population, whose only connection to Palestine is mythological.

Palestine, a former territory of the Ottoman empire inhabited by a native Arab population descended from the Judaic population of Greco-Roman Palestine: Khaleej Times: Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History.

Zionism, ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism, which presumes that Jews have the right to plunder and to kill non-Jews with impunity.

Zionist settlements, places where racist colonists live throughout stolen and occupied Palestine.

Villages, places of habitation of the native Palestinian population either destroyed by Zionist invaders, interlopers and thieves or still inhabited by native Palestinians struggling to survive under genocidal Zionist pressure.

Refugee camps, where most Palestinians have been forced to live after the Zionists began their genocidal process of ethnic cleansing that started in 47-8 and that continues to this day. Sphere: Related Content