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Friday, June 12, 2009

From Epistemic to Bureaucratic Islamophobia

Judea Pearl's latest WSJ column helps explain both the roots of contemporary Jewish Islamophobia and relates strongly to the reasons for continuing -- if not increasing -- US governmental persecution of Muslims and Muslim institutions.

In Why Israelis Are Cool on the Obama Speech, Pearl correctly observes:
Mr. Obama's rationale for Israel's legitimacy began with the Holocaust, not with the birthplace of Jewish history. "The aspiration for a Jewish homeland," he said, "is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied." Who else defines Israel's legitimacy that way? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does. Iran sees Israel as a foreign entity to the region, hastily created to sooth European guilt over the Holocaust. Israelis consider this distortion of history to be an assault on the core of their identity as a nation.
Anyone with any serious knowledge of Jewish history quickly realizes the popular "pogrom and persecution" version of Jewish history has no connection to the facts and must be denied as a misleading mythology: Haaretz Confirms: Two Separate Holocausts.

As a consequence, Pearl quickly moves from specious Jewish victimology to delegitimization of Palestinians via demonization. Pearl is careful to demand that cessation of settlement building requires that Palestinian must stop their "evil" incitement, which according to Zionists amounts to stating the facts:
  1. modern Jews have no ancestral connection to Palestine: Every Israel Advocate a Madoff,
  2. Zionists steal Palestinian heritage and history: Khaleej Times: Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History,
  3. Palestinians did not reject negotiations in 1947-8: Second Great Zionist Fraud,
  4. Jews had no historical longing to live in Palestine: Third Fraud: Longing for Zion, and
  5. American Zionists in concert with the Israeli government are waging ethno-national financial warfare against non-Jews: Forbes: Zionist Ethnonational Financial Warfare.
In addition, Pearl wants the US government to enforce an even stronger form of thought control throughout the world.
An affirmation of "Israel's historical right to exist," based on a 2,000-year continuous quest to rebuild a national homeland, is what the region needs to hear from Mr. Obama. The magic words "historical right" have the capacity to change the entire equation in the Middle East. They convey a genuine commitment to permanence, and can therefore invigorate the peace process with the openness and goodwill that it has been lacking thus far.
In other words Zionists will only feel secure when their falsehoods are elevated to religious dogma among Christians and Muslims. Unfortunately, far too many Christian leaders have been willing to acknowledge a completely bogus Jewish völkisch racist historical right to Palestine, but because practically no genuine Islamic leader accepts the claim, Neocons have come to blame the failure of Muslims to acknowledge the justice of the creation of Israel on malicious, bigoted, irrational theological thinking that they began to view as intrinsic to Islam because of the apparently implacable hostility of the Iranian revolution and continuing worldwide Muslim opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel.

Zionists researchers and leaders like Daniel Pipes have developed their own specialized political culture with its own casuistic logic as well as specialized jargon to describe the alleged perverse nature of Islam. The specialized Zionist Islamophobic vocabulary is often based on Arabic names or Islamic technical terminology like Wahhabi, jihad, sharia, taqiya, zakat, dawa or Islamic charity to which Neocon literature assigns distorted, negative, or demonic connotations.

Because George W. Bush brought so many Neocons including into the government, a previously epistemic Zionist political culture infected$ the US government's bureaucratic culture. For example, Rachel Ehrenfeld was a DOD Threat Reduction Agency advisor during the Bush administration. She wrote among other works the books entitled Evil Money, Encounters Along the Money Trail, and Funding Evil, How Terrorism is Funded -- and How to Stop It. The former book makes a lot of untrue and questionable assertions about the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)* rather similar to some of the false claims made against Dubai Portsword while the latter libeled Saudi financier Khalid bin Mahfouz, who successfully sued Ehrenfeld and her publisher in the British courts.

Ehrenfeld's Arutz Sheva interview below indicates the tremendous amount of anti-Muslim hatred and bigotry that she brought with her into government work.

Although Ehrenfeld is a clown that has made a career of scaremongering and defaming Arabs and Muslims, Congress continues to take her testimony as if she has actually has information of value. In contrast, the efforts of Neocon Zionist Matthew Levitt in the Bush administration have been far more dangerous and insidious. He served President Bush as Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis. He developed a logically specious formalism, which is described in detail in his book entitled Hamas, Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad. Levitt worked hard to indoctrinate Treasury and Justice Department officials with the idea that practically any Muslim charitable giving can be equated to material aid to terrorism because nothing is more fungible than money, and his text has been an important Zionist tool to demonize Islamic finance or charity just as Raphael Patai's book The Arab Mind served Zionists as means to spread a false understanding of Arab culture or society.

Levitt worked closely with Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey, who has been retained by the Obama administration to the delight of Zionists inside and outside of government and who has received many accolades from the AJCommittee. By background, Levey is a lawyer specializing in the defense of white collar financial criminals. Thus he knows a tremendous amount about framing accusations of financial crime in the strongest way possible. Levey has slavishly implemented Levitt's program by adding Muslim charity after Muslim charity to the list of officially designated terrorist organizations. Yet despite the extraordinary history of Israeli military terrorism, he failed to add the IDF and charities or individuals giving to the IDF to the list of officially designated terrorist organizations even though the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has been added to the list without any comparable history of terrorism.

Levey is probably the most dangerous Islamophobe in the Obama administration. If Americans do not confront such racist Jewish officials to demand that the government acknowledge the terrorist nature of the IDF and the Zionist state and if racist Jewish propagandists like Pearl are given free license to demonstrate lies and propaganda without challenge throughout the media, American democracy will surely die as the United States is transformed from a Rechtstaat, in which there is a uniform code of law for all citizens, into a Zionist Judenstaat, in which Jewish Zionists are privileged over all other Americans.

Muslims and pro-Palestinian activists need to become more aware of the subtext of Jewish Zionist machinations
  • in order to be more effective in educating the rest of the US population that Zionists in Stolen and Occupied Palestine are racist, murderous, genocidal invaders, interlopers, and thieves, and
  • in order to be more capable of advocating that USA follow its own laws by abolishing the Zionist state, by removing the criminal Zionist population, and by arresting Zionists engaged in seditious conspiracy within the United States.
Activists need to counteract both popular Zionist subversion represented by Judean Pearl and bureacratic Zionist subversion represented by Matthew Levitt and Stuart Levey. Nothing less can save the USA politically or economically.

$ Maher Arar's attorney has difficulty explaining the conspiratorial aspects in the governments behavior to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals because the Bush administration Neocons did not so much try to create a classic conspiracy throughout the government as they spread a bureaucratic cultural infection. Of course, there is no doubt that the leading Neocons in government conspired among themselves to serve Zionist instead of American interests even if the Neocon political appointees never directly communicated with the officials that decided to deport Maher Arar to Syrian.
* As far as I can tell BCCI was sloppily managed. When it was liquidated, it made good on 90% of its liabilities. There may have been some embezzlement or fiscal malfeasance but it was really minor.
While the primary investors were mostly Gulf and Saudi Arabs and Pakistanis, it certainly did not claim to be an Arabic or Islamic bank as claimed by Ehrenfeld. Other people involved included Clark Clifford, Leonard Abess Sr. (a prominent Florida Jewish Banker whose son Obama recently gave special praise), and F. Lee Bailey, who was Dershowitz partner. The Bank had no problem dealing with shady characters and organizations like Noriega, Saddam Hussein, and the US FBI, but such bank behavior hardly qualifies as unusual. Most of the hysteria started when BCCI tried to acquire a foothold in the American banking industry.
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