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Friday, June 26, 2009

Maurice Pinay Blog: More Pilpul From the USCCB

Maurice Pinay's blog entry and the accompanying discussion in More Pilpul From the USCCB gives an indication of the anger and discomfort of sincere Catholics with the Church's ongoing effort to achieve some sort of rapprochement with Judaism.

More Pilpul From the USCCB

All the hairsplitting pilpul in the world can't turn non-believing Ashkenzim, Sephardim, et al, into biblical, chosen people. The 2002 Reflections on Covenant and Mission document is groundless; a fraud based upon a fraud. This "clarification" is only another step in the dialectical process towards Benedict's "reconciliation between Christians and 'Jews'" where 'Jews' continue in their unbelief, deluded racial conceit and adherance to anti-biblical rabbinism, while Christians, by guilt and cajolery, are converted away from the Gospel and into the 'Noahide' fraud.

These so-called 'Jews' don't believe Jesus Christ, nor do they even believe Moses (John 5;41-47). Their unsubstantiated claim to genetic descent from the patriarchs affords them no special relationship with the Church. The bishops' suggestion to the contrary is anti-biblical, rabbinic nonsense.

[To read the entire blog entry, click here.]

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