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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Neocon Penetration into Islamic World

Followup to: From Epistemic to Bureaucratic Islamophobia

The Honorary Board of the Daniel Pearl Foundation still includes Abdul Sattar Edhi, Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan, Sari Nusseibeh, who thereby give legitimacy both to Judea Pearl and also to his brand of racist Zionist extremism.

According the article International observers say Morocco elections ran in 'good conditions' from the Maghrebe Arabe Press, Rachel Ehrenfeld was an official election observer even though she is an Islamophobic buffoon:

For her part, Rachel Ehrenfeld of the American Center for Democracy said the elections registered "no irregularities."

She is one of the 150 international observers who monitored Friday elections to choose 27,795 councilors. The polling has witnessed a turnout of 52.4%, that is over seven million of the 13.3 million voters.

Such enmeshment of Arabs and Muslims in Zionist propaganda organizations and involvement of racist Jewish Zionists in Arab political activities almost certainly results from recommendations related to corrupt Jewish social networking.

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