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Monday, June 01, 2009 Chabad Rabbi: Destroy Muslim Holy Sites

In Chabad Rabbi: Destroy Muslim Holy Sites, Shmarya Rosenberg writes:

I wonder at Chabad’s popularity among secular Jewish students. These aren’t just bad politics, they’re insane politics. At what point does the Chabad rabbi tell the prospective Ba’al Teshuva that he thinks that Israel should “destroy their holy sites”? Probably not at the first Shabbat dinner, right? Maybe after two Shabbat dinners, a “lunch and learn,” and a Birthright trip through Mayanot?…

I heard this exact logic from Manis Friedman himself several times during the the time I was Chabad. I also heard it from many other Chabad rabbis, and the Rebbe himself said something similar just after or during the Six Day War, I think, but had it expunged from the written record of his talks immediately after.

You'll find the theology familiar – it comes directly from Rabbi Meir Kahane. It's no surprise that among Kahane's biggest supporters were Chabad hasidim.
[To read the entire article, click here.]

When I was involved in Yeshiva studies in the 80s, I found that Manis Friedman's mentality is hardly specific to Chabad but is pervasive among Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews. (See Chabad, Jewish Political Elites for more information.)
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